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复刻经典的电子琴 KORG Software VOX Super Continental v1.0.2 MacOS


VOX Continental最初是在20世纪60年代初被设想为一种更便携、更实惠的音轮风琴替代品,它独特的声音——以及它鲜明的红黑设计——很快使它成为“英国入侵”乐队的主要产品。大陆的明亮的音色和傲慢的态度完美地适合刺耳的吉他,并很容易通过舞台和工作室的混音切割。



VOX Continental的振荡器是基于不稳定的锗晶体管。八度分频电路意味着八度总是纯净的,但所有其他音程至少可以微妙地失调(通常情况下更是如此)。这在演奏和弦时产生了独特的合唱效果,并给旋律增添了额外的风味。





ARP 2600 v1.0.2版本说明
改进了Arpeggiator, Motion Sequencer和LFO之间的同步。
以前,创建到ADSR/AR和AUX ENV门源的调制路由或手动启动会导致崩溃。这个问题现在已经解决了。

EP-1 v1.0.2版本说明


-操作系统:macOS 11 Big Sur或更高(最新更新)


The legendary VOX Continental organ is faithfully recreated
in software as the VOX Super Continental!
Originally conceived in the early 1960s as a more portable and affordable alternative to tonewheel organs, the VOX Continental’s distinctive sound – and its sharp red-and-black design – soon made it a staple of “British Invasion” bands. The Continental’s bright timbre and brash attitude fit perfectly with jangly guitars, and easily cut through the mix on stage and in the studio.

Production stopped around 1970, but a new generation of ska, garage, punk, and new wave bands adopted the instruments in the ‘70s and ‘80s. Weathered and worn through decades of use, and none-too-stable to begin with, the instruments tend to be charmingly out of tune. As the key contacts aged, each note started to sound slightly different. With this unique voice, a combination of electric tone and vintage character, the Vox Continental is a fixture of stage and studio – particularly in indie music.

The KORG Collection VOX Super Continental began as a careful re-creation of a number of Continental keyboards, including a beloved instrument personally owned by the primary software engineer, in order to get the best possible representation of the Super Continental sound performance. This analysis included such details as the behavior of hundreds of individual key contacts – and is the most accurate VOX Continental software instrument available anywhere!

Calibrated character
The VOX Continental’s oscillators are based on unstable germanium transistors. The octave-divider circuits mean that octaves are always pure, but all other intervals can be at least subtly out of tune (and often much more so). This produces a distinctive chorusing effect when playing chords, and gives melodies a touch of extra flavor.

Individual notes are made by combining overtones from the drawbars. Each key has up to five key contact wires, one for each drawbar. When each wire hits its drawbar bus, that overtone sounds (often along with a tiny burst of noise). The contacts are usually worn and misaligned after all these years, and so the wires hit the drawbar buses at slightly different times. This lends every note a unique character at note-on and note-off.

All of these imperfections are lovingly modeled, and Calibration controls let you dial in as much or as little of them as you like.

Refined user experience
Smooth Sound Transitions let previously-played voices and effects continue naturally when you change sounds. KORG’s sophisticated sound browser supports categories, text search, and more. On-screen help provides information and useful tips for every drawbar, knob, and switch.

The VOX Super Continental was almost always played through an amp, so of course we include a selection of amp and cabinet models, along with a stunningly detailed rotary speaker. There are two insert effects before the amp, another insert after it, and finally a dedicated reverb slot. For the inserts you can choose between 30 effects types, including everything from vintage pedals and tape delay to modern reverse delays and shimmer reverb.

Whats new in this version
ARP 2600 v1.0.2 Release Notes
Improved synchronization between Arpeggiator, Motion Sequencer, and LFO.
In the Librarian, the currently selected Category and Collection filters are shown – and can be cleared – even if they do not exist for the current object type.
Filters for Effect Preset browsers now stay in sync between mini and full effects editors.
Improvements to initial selection of the active Set List.
The “Buy” button in the demo version now leads to the correct URL.
Previously, creating a modulation routing to ADSR/AR and AUX ENV Gate Source or Manual Start caused a crash. This has now been fixed.

EP-1 v1.0.2 Release Notes
In the Librarian, the currently selected Category and Collection filters are shown – and can be cleared – even if they do not exist for the current object type.
Filters for Effect Preset browsers now stay in sync between mini and full effects editors.
Improvements to initial selection of the active Set List.
The “Buy” button in the demo version now leads to the correct URL.
Previously, when a Performance was loaded, if FX3 contained a non-reverb Effect Type, it was changed to a Reverb Type and turned off. If the Performance was then saved, the previous settings for FX3 would be lost. This has now been fixed.

VOX Super Continental v1.0.2 Release Notes
In the Librarian, the currently selected Category and Collection filters are shown – and can be cleared – even if they do not exist for the current object type.
Filters for Effect Preset browsers now stay in sync between mini and full effects editors.
Improvements to initial selection of the active Set List.
The “Buy” button in the demo version now leads to the correct URL.

System Requirements
– OS: macOS 11 Big Sur or higher (latest update)


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