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暖心钢琴 Sonora Cinematic Verticale KONTAKT



为免费的Kontakt Player 7开发,Verticale被记录了四层毡-据我们所知,这是今天唯一的四重毡钢琴!天然的补丁是纯粹和温暖的,感觉是丰富和醇厚的,并且,结合板载功能和效果,垂直将带您的音乐到电影情感和低保真怀旧的新高度。

三种不同的麦克风位置提供了完全控制钢琴的音调特征。所有的麦克风都是立体声对-一个房间是一对AKG C414麦克风和两个不同的点麦克风-一对AEA N22有源带和一对诺伊曼K184小膜片电容器。在GUI中切换麦克风或路由到不同的通道,如果你想在你的DAW中单独混合它们。






需要本地仪器Kontakt Player或Kontakt FULL v7.1.8和更高!


The Heartwarming Piano
“Verticale” is what the Italians call an upright piano, and that’s exactly what this virtual instrument captures in detail: a beautiful, intimate upright meticulously recorded both natural and felted.

Developed for the free Kontakt Player 7, Verticale was recorded with four layers of felt – to our knowledge this is the only quadruple felt piano available today! The natural patch is pure and warm, the felt is rich and mellow, and, combined with the onboard features and effects, Verticale will take your music to new heights of cinematic emotion and lo-fi nostalgia.

The Mics
Three different mic positions offer complete control over the tonal character of the piano. All mics are stereo pairs – a room which is a pair of AKG C414 mics and two different spot mics – a pair of AEA N22 active ribbons and a pair of Neumann K184 small diaphragm condensers. Switch between mics in the GUI or route to different channels if you want to mix them separately in your DAW.

Inspire new ideas by mixing the cassette signal and the microphones, with enchanting and emotive results.

Add Lo-Fi Lustre To Your Music
Verticale includes a unique “Cassette” signal, created by passing the samples to cassette through an old 4-track cassette recorder set to record at high speed and then playing back the tape at minimum speed. The result is a pitch-shifted and warped sound: a great way to add a lo-fi patina to your music.

Built In FX
Verticale includes two sends to reverb and delay, both featuring multiple modes. You’ll also find a Color knob which works in a similar way to a tilt EQ – move it to the left for a darker sound with more body, or move to the right for a thinner, brighter sound. Meanwhile, use the Sync Toggle to switch between tempo sync musical values and milliseconds.

For a real nostalgic sound, explore the Cassette section with the Crunch control for some really juicy tape saturation, and Lo-Fi – a macro that controls Bit and Sample Rate reduction. Want your audio to sound REALLY vintage? Just select mono!

Finally, dial in some Deck to playback some of the authentic sound of the Portastudio’s belt – as you’ll hear, it needs replacing!

Requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v7.1.8 and higher!

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