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音乐会三角钢琴 – realsamples Swiss Grand for HALion(黑龙音色包)

13 June 2024 | 12.79 GB

这架采样音乐会三角钢琴是由总部位于苏黎世的h<s:1> ni & h<e:1>伯特公司于1860年制作的。它的永恒,优雅的设计体现在一个美丽的丰满,透明,温暖的音调与淫秽的低音,这是在现代钢琴中很难找到的东西。记录了32个速度层,每键释放和阻尼器运动八个样本,这个样本库为HALion带你在一个音乐的旅程,通过时间。

由瑞士公司h<s:1> ni & h<e:1> bert于1860年制造的音乐会三角钢琴

这架历史悠久的瑞士大钢琴是由音乐学家安德烈亚斯·伯曼(1928-2016)策划的收藏中不可或缺的一部分,它被精心保存得很好。它是用专门的信号链在现场录制的,包括一套定制的管式麦克风。它被捕获在192千赫/24位和重新采样到48千赫。它首次以437 Hz的原始调谐音高作为样本库呈现,但在乐器内提供了音高调整的灵活性。



A musical journey into another century: Swiss Grand 1860
This sampled concert grand piano was crafted by the Zürich-based company Hüni & Hübert in the year 1860. Its timeless, elegant design is reflected by a beautifully full-bodied, transparent, warm tone with raunchy bass, something which is very hard to find in modern pianos. Recorded with 32 velocity layers, with eight samples per key release and damper movement, this sample library for HALion takes you on a musical journey through time.

Concert grand piano built in 1860 by Swiss company Hüni & Hübert
Recorded with 32 velocity layers per note
Key releases and damper noise recorded with eight samples per note
Sampled at its original tuning pitch of 437 Hz (adjustable to different tunings)

The historical Swiss Grand was an integral component of a collection curated by musicologist Andreas Beurmann (1928-2016), which has been meticulously preserved in excellent condition. It was recorded on location using a specialized signal chain, including a custom-made set of tube microphones. It was captured at 192 kHz/24 bit and resampled to 48 kHz. It’s presented for the first time as a sample library at its original tuning pitch of 437 Hz, yet offers the flexibility of pitch adjustments within the instrument.

About realsamples
realsamples specializes in the sampling of rare, historical keyboard instruments which are usually locked away in museums or private collections. Its dedicated recording engineers capture the essence of each instrument as authentically as possible, offering today’s musicians worldwide the wonderful experience of playing instruments from former centuries.

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