Samples From Mars Synare From Mars MULTiFORMAT | 1.56 Gb
Synare是由Star Instruments在70年代中期创建的模拟鼓合成器。 它看起来和听起来像是您听过的最邪恶的模拟飞碟。 振荡器巨大,让人想起更昂贵的老式合成器-颜色丰富且极具特色-滤波器具有我们所听过的最深的共鸣。
尽管Synare以经典的迪斯科tom声(beew,beew!)最著名,但它还是原始的雷鬼配音警报器,仍然是超凡脱俗的终极秘密武器:UFO声音,宇宙FX,烈性白噪声和 不敬的模拟超低音,仅举几例。
Synare的原始形式(使用鼓槌敲打鼓)最初看起来很基本,只有5个预设和一个打击垫。 但是只要有足够的创造力,您就可以哄骗70年代最邪恶,永恒的太空生物。 结合其坚韧的模拟鼓,恶魔般的无人机,柔和的合成器音色和令人着迷的FX,您将获得最邪恶和邪恶的迷幻感。
• 1900+ 24bit WAV Synare Samples
• 10 pre-made 16x hit kits for instant jamming
• 8x multi-sampled chromatic Synare synths
• Drum one hits, chromatic instruments and evil FX
• Analog Bass Drums, White Noise Snares, Classically Cosmic Toms, all presets
• FM Toms, spiraling LFOs, lasers, sirens, brash noise sweeps, UFO babies, blips, and rabbit holes
• Crazy Synare twists and knob turns, long drones recorded through an original Space Echo & H3000 (includes dry versions)
• Ableton includes (4) drum racks with extensive sample selection, hardware parameter and FX mapping and (8) chromatic instruments
• Kontakt, Logic, Reason & Structure include: (40) individual hit instruments, (3) kits instruments, and (8) chromatic instruments
• Maschine & Battery include: 10 pre-made kits
• MPC1000 & MPC2500 include: 10 pre-made kits on 3 MPC Programs