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打击乐素材 – That Sound Hangar MULTiFORMAT

2.47 GB

在离地面47,000英尺的地方2个小时之后……我们在傍晚降落了。当机库的门滑开时,有拥抱和击掌声。我们实际上正要这样做。最初在团队会议上进行的假设性“假设”讨论现在与将我们降落在这里的达索猎鹰一样真实。我们在圣诞节的早晨是孩子。我们花时间在这个巨大的空间中走来走去,惊叹于我们的自卑感,因为我们站在一个房间里的腹部,这个房间足够大,不能容纳一个……不是两个……而是三个飞机。通过随机的拍手和手指敲击,我们测试并熟悉了房间。我们知道接下来的24小时我们会在这个房间跳舞或摔跤。自然的混响和延迟,就像您不相信的那样,但是它太吵了吗?尾巴太长了吗?噪声是否会渗入我们的样本中,并产生比鼓采样已经更加艰苦的过程?有这么多未解决的问题,但是最紧迫的显然是:“在监视器的另一端听起来会是什么鬼?”我们卸载了飞机,并设置了26英寸的底鼓,一对老罗杰斯的鼓手,一个黑色美女军鼓,一对君士坦丁堡,一些麦克风,一个迷你架子以及我们设法安装到飞机上的任何其他装备。保罗打了第一个小军鼓,我们所有人都尖叫了(不是真正的单词……主要是咒骂和拟声词),身后有翅膀(字面意义),山在我们身旁,而在我们身旁的日落,我们在深夜里打鼓。在您听到之前,我们会带给您您难以相信的声音。作为2018年的开幕仪式,我们想向您介绍一系列鼓采样,与您从未听说过的… Hangar。

After 2 hours at 47,000 feet above ground … we touched down early in the evening. As the door to the hangar slid open, there were hugs and hi-fives. We were actually about to do it. What started as a hypothetical “what if” discussion at a team meeting was now as real as the Dassault Falcon that landed us here. We were kids on Christmas morning. We took our time walking around this enormous space, marveling at our individual inferiority as we stood in the abdomen of a room large enough for not one … not two … but yes, three airplanes. With a random series of claps and finger snaps, we tested and familiarized ourselves with the room. We knew we’d either dance or wrestle with this room for the next 24 hours. Natural reverb and delay like you wouldn’t believe, but was it too noisy? Was the tail too long? Would the noise bleed into our samples and create an even more painstaking process than drum sampling already is? There were so many unanswered questions, but the most pressing was obviously, “What the hell is this going to sound like on the other side of the monitors?” We unloaded the plane and set up a 26″ kick, a couple old Rogers toms, a black beauty snare, a couple Constantinoples, some mics, a mini rack, and any other gear we managed to fit onto the plane. Once everything was set up, Paul hit the first snare and we all screamed (not actual words … mostly expletives and onomatopoeia). With wings behind us (literally), mountains beside us, and a sunset before us, we played drums deep into the night. We came away with a sound you won’t believe until you hear it. As the opening act for 2018, we’d like to introduce you to a collection of drum samples unlike any you’ve ever heard … Hangar.
1079 total one-shot and multi-velocity samples, 3 different mix variations (Natural, Big, Brutal), 4 different kicks, 4 different snares, 2 sets of toms, 3 hi-hats, 4 cymbals, 3 buckets, 3 claps, cowbell, 4 sticks, cinema hits (for your next blockbuster), 26 extras, 36 vocal samples
* All samples delivered as 24-bit, 44.1kHz .wav files
100 individual loops with 3 different mix variations (Natural, Big, Brutal), 20 different tempos (ranging from 52 – 155bpm)
Ableton, Reason, EXS24, Battery, Maschine 2, Trigger 2, and Kontakt 5 (full version — presets work with the free version of Kontakt).

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