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Splice Originals Dollar Bin Resampled Soul WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 03 August 2021 | 675 MB

Splice Originals 的工作人员与 Jason Matthews 的琴键和 Justin Andres 的吉他合作,创造了一个准备被切碎、扭曲和拧紧的歌曲的基础。 马修斯和安德烈斯根据彼此的想法远程工作,来回交换旋律和即兴演奏,直到他们有完整的歌曲。 然后我们对他们的文件重新取样并重新制作,就像我们在美元乙烯基垃圾箱中找到它们一样。 结果是在搅拌机中混合了黑暗放克、低保真嘻哈和电影灵魂。 除了琴键和吉他之外,您还会发现敲击嘻哈鼓,使其成为制作低调敲击鼓的完整工具包。


The Splice Originals crew teamed up with Jason Matthews on keys and Justin Andres on guitar to create a foundation of songs primed to be chopped, twisted, and screwed. Matthews and Andres worked remotely off of each other’s ideas, swapping melodies and riffs back and forth until they had complete songs. We then resampled and reworked their files, just as if we had found them in the dollar vinyl bin. The result is a mix of dark funk, lo-fi hip hop, and cinematic soul thrown in the blender. In addition to the keys and guitars, you’ll find banging hip hop drums to make this a full-on toolkit for making low-key bangers.

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