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Glitchedtones Chillout Waves WAV MiDi Serum Presets

WAV MiDi Serum Presets | 538Mb

借助 Chillout Waves,我们为在慢速和环境风格中工作的节拍制作者和制作人收集了大量丰富、多样和圆润的声音。 无论您是在创建派对氛围、雨天音景还是学习节拍,这个包都能满足您的所有需求!

拥有 60 个专业制作的 Serum 预设,涵盖贝斯、和弦、FX、主音、打击垫和拨弦,所有宏控制都映射到仅最有用的参数,从而为自定义声音设计实现高效的动态调整。

还包括 5 个完整的构造套件,其中包含干湿循环、鼓单拍和 MIDI 文件,确保此包包含创建完全根据您的喜好量身定制且仅受您的创造力限制的 Chillout 曲目所需的所有元素。


With Chillout Waves, we’ve compiled an extensive collection of rich, diverse and mellow sounds for beatmakers and producers working in downtempo and ambient styles. Whether you are creating after party vibes, rainy day soundscapes or study beats, this pack has all the essentials you need!

Featuring 60 expertly-crafted Serum presets covering basses, chords, FX, leads, pads and plucks all with macro controls mapped to only the most useful parameters, enabling efficient on-the-fly tweaking for custom sound design.

Also included are 5 complete Construction Kits packed with wet and dry loops, drum oneshots and MIDI files ensuring this pack contains every element required to create Chillout tracks completely tailored to your liking and only limited by your creativity.

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