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Black Octopus Sound Voicians Modular DNB WAV-GTA

GTA | 6 December 2023 | 659 MB

Voicians’ – Modular Drum & Bass Vol 1 是用于创建独特的实验性鼓和贝斯轨道的终极工具包! 该包包含 500 多个令人兴奋的样本,包含大量鼓、FX、音乐循环和镜头选择,以及更多鼓舞人心的工具,非常适合想要突破界限和探索新听觉极限的制作人。

Voicians 的音乐已通过 mau5trap、Monstercat、Hospital、Liquicity、FiXT、Viper 等唱片公司的发行和声乐功能被世界各地数百万听众所聆听。 以及电影/电视/视频游戏许可以及电视和广告活动的定制提示。 此外,他还在世界各地演奏 Drum & Bass DJ 表演,他独特的风格融合激发了与 No Mana、Celldweller、Muzz、Maduk、EDDIE、Andromedik、Subshock 和 Evangelos 等艺术家的合作、混音和特色。 他的音乐仅在 Spotify 上就已被播放超过 5000 万次。 Voicians 捕捉到了令人兴奋的电子音乐混合体。 有时它是戏剧性的;有时它是戏剧性的。 有时天色昏暗,令人沉思; 有时它无可否认地充满活力,并且在他的样品包中也发现了同样的能量。

音乐循环和单曲涵盖了从震撼的低音线到史诗般的合成器主音的所有内容,为您的曲目提供了完美的基础。 借助合唱人声一次性镜头以及大量的效果和氛围选择,为您的作品增添深度和质感。 加上合成器、影响器、大气循环和效果电子人声,旨在激发创造力,为您的下一首曲目提供完美的起点。

当然,如果没有杀手鼓部分,任何鼓和贝斯轨道都是不完整的,而这个包提供了。 一些样本是使用最新的模块化合成技术精心制作的,让您进入一个在其他地方找不到的声音世界。 通过全面选择有力的底鼓、活泼的军鼓、驱动打击乐、滚动帽子、有力的拍手、张力构建游乐设施、充满活力的填充、复杂的共鸣嗵鼓和冲击力的撞击声,您将能够为您的曲目创造完美的节拍,无论您是 正在创作一首震撼人心的歌曲或更微妙的旋律作品。

但如果您时间紧迫或只是寻找快速解决方案,顶部循环和完整鼓循环可提供广泛的声音,涵盖从经典的鼓和贝斯节拍到现代尖端节奏的一切。 您将能够找到完美的循环来激发您的创造力并让您的曲目动起来!所以不要等待 – 立即下载 Voicians 的终极“模块化鼓和贝斯”第 1 卷来创作强劲有力、充满活力的音乐 使舞池整晚都充满活力的音乐。

722 总内容
第219章 鼓一击
162 鼓循环
94 个效果循环
93 FX 一击
46 气氛
32 个低音循环
31 合成器循环
27 合成器一击
9 低音一击
9 声乐一击


Voicians’ – Modular Drum & Bass Vol 1 is the ultimate toolkit for creating unique, experimental Drum and Bass tracks! Featuring over 500 exciting samples, this pack is bursting with a massive selection of drums, FX, music loops and shots, plus even more inspirational tools that are perfect for producers looking to push the boundaries and explore new auditory limits.

Voicians’ music has been heard by millions of listeners around the world, through releases and vocal features on labels such as mau5trap, Monstercat, Hospital, Liquicity, FiXT, Viper and more. As well as Film/TV/Video Game licensing and custom cues for TV and advertising campaigns. Furthermore he’s playing Drum & Bass DJ shows around the world and his unique fusion of styles has inspired collaborations, remixes and features with artists ranging from No Mana, Celldweller, Muzz, Maduk, EDDIE, Andromedik, Subshock & Evangelos and many more. His music has been streamed over 50 million times on Spotify alone. Voicians’ captures an electrifying hybrid of electronic music. At moments it’s theatrical; at moments it’s dark and brooding; at moments it’s undeniably energetic and that same energy is found throughout his sample pack.

The music loops and one-shots cover everything from pounding bass-lines to epic synth leads, providing the perfect foundation for your tracks. With choral vocal one-shots and a vast selection of FX and atmospheres, to add depth and texture to your productions. Plus synths, impacts, atmospheric loops and effected, electronic vocals, that are designed to inspire creativity, giving you the perfect starting point for your next track.

Of course, no Drum and Bass track is complete without a killer drum section, and this pack delivers. With some samples being meticulously crafted using the latest modular synthesis techniques, giving you access to a world of sounds that can’t be found anywhere else. With a comprehensive selection of punchy kicks, snappy snares, driving percussion, rolling hats, powerful claps, tension building rides, energetic fills, complex resonant toms and impacting crashes, you’ll be able to create the perfect beat for your tracks, whether you’re crafting a hard-hitting banger or a more subtle, melodic piece.

But if you’re short on time or just looking for a quick solution, the top loops and full drum loops provide a wide range of sounds covering everything from classic Drum and Bass beats to modern, cutting-edge rhythms. You’ll be able to find the perfect loop to kick-start your creativity and get your tracks moving!So don’t wait – download Voicians’ ultimate ‘Modular Drum & Bass’ Vol 1 now to create hard-hitting, high-energy music that will keep the dance-floor moving all night long.

722 Total Contents
219 Drum One Shots
162 Drum Loops
94 FX Loops
93 FX One Shots
46 Atmospheres
32 Bass Loops
31 Synth Loops
27 Synth One Shots
9 Bass One Shots
9 Vocal One Shots

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