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Epic Stock Media Scifi Shooter Game WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 16 May 2024 | 1.70 GB

飞入充满生物和未知奇观的黑暗科幻世界。 介绍惊心动魄的战争和一般的FPS; 科幻游戏音频 SFX 包充满了您开始第一人称射击游戏所需的强度。 欢迎来到“科幻射击游戏”——一个游戏音频音效库,包含 1100 多个设计的 SFX,专为寻求为游戏音频奠定坚实基础的游戏开发人员和声音设计师量身定制。 构建外星氛围、未来战场、UI 序列、小玩意、小工具、门、机甲、机器人等; 更多的。 科幻射击游戏几乎满足您的所有需求,无论是黑暗的合成波加载屏幕音乐循环、机器人机械脚步的逼真叮当声、UI 元素的未来嗡嗡声,还是武器的雷鸣般的爆炸声; 每一种声音都经过精心制作,以实现最大的冲击力和强度。 凭借超过 78 分钟的精心调音音频和完成科幻射击游戏所需的几乎所有内容的坚实基础,您将踏上一场充满动作的冒险。

这款强大的音效入门套件可以解决您的游戏音频困境,为游戏开发人员和声音设计师提供无缝的解决方案。 消除寻找正确声音文件、生物、氛围等的猜测; 音乐 – 从动态的多层音乐曲目,到有力的武器,再到复杂的菜单 UI/UX,未来世界的环境声音,这个库都能满足您的需求。


使用 Sci-fi Shooter Game 深入游戏音频设计的世界,这是在科幻游戏中制作身临其境的音景的终极入门套件。 经过 4 个多月的精心开发,这个综合库是精心策划的音频资产的宝库,提供了提升游戏音频所需的几乎所有内容,从激烈的战斗序列到环境世界构建,甚至迷人的音乐。 科幻射击游戏非常适合新晋和经验丰富的声音设计师,它提供了多功能基础,确保游戏所需的每个听觉元素都能无缝地促进整体科幻体验。 使用这款包罗万象的入门套件步入游戏音频创作的未来,观看您的科幻宇宙以无与伦比的深度和丰富度变得栩栩如生。

针对视频游戏、电视和的优化音频资源; 电影

所有文件均已准备好、已掌握并优化了内存占用。 每个音效都经过专业编辑和掌握,以确保无缝集成到您的游戏中,无论平台或类型如何。 所有声音均为 RTU-OTB(开箱即用),这意味着您只需将声音效果拖放到游戏引擎中,无需任何额外的处理或编辑。 凭借 3.62 GB 的多功能游戏音频资源(这 1132 个流行的游戏就绪音频资源),您将获得可以在任何科幻小说中快速实现的声音,从而赋予其“热门应用”游戏感觉。

准备好装备包进行秘密行动:科幻射击游戏 – 科幻游戏的终极音频伴侣!

1132 样品


Blast off into a dark sci-fi world teeming with creatures and unknown wonders. Introducing the heart-pounding warfare and general FPS and; Sci-fi game audio SFX pack filled with the intensity you need to start your first-person shooter game. Welcome to “Sci-Fi Shooter Game” – a game audio sound effects library featuring over 1100+ designed SFX, tailored specifically for game developers and sound designers seeking a solid foundation for their game audio. Build alien atmospheres, futuristic battlefields, UI sequences, gizmos, gadgets, doors, mechs, robots and; more. Sci-fi Shooter Game covers almost all your needs, whether it’s a dark synth-wave loading screen music loop, the realistic clanks of robotic mechanical footsteps, the futuristic hum of UI elements, or the thunderous blast of weapons; every sound is expertly crafted for maximum impact and intensity. With over 78 minutes of finely tuned audio and a solid foundation of almost everything needed to complete a sci-fi shooter game, you’re in for an action-packed adventure.

This powerful sound effects starter kit is the answer to your game audio dilemmas, providing a seamless solution for game developers and sound designers. Eliminate the guesswork of finding the right sound files, creatures, ambiences and; music – from dynamic multi-layered music tracks, to punchy weapons to intricate menu UI / UX, ambient sounds of a futuristic world, this library has you covered.

Your Ultimate Starter Kit for Sci-Fi Game Audio

Dive into the world of game audio design with Sci-fi Shooter Game, the ultimate starter kit for crafting immersive soundscapes in your sci-fi game. With over 4 months of meticulous development, this comprehensive library is a treasure trove of meticulously curated audio assets, offering almost everything you need to elevate your game’s audio, from intense combat sequences to ambient world-building, and even captivating music. Perfect for both budding and seasoned sound designers, Sci-fi Shooter Game provides a versatile foundation, ensuring that every auditory element needed for a game contributes seamlessly to the overall sci-fi experience. Step into the future of game audio creation with this all-encompassing starter kit and watch your sci-fi universe come to life with unparalleled depth and richness.

Optimized Audio Assets For Video Games, TV and; Film

All files are game ready, mastered and memory footprint optimized. Each sound effect is expertly edited and mastered to ensure seamless integration into your game, regardless of the platform or genre. All sounds are RTU-OTB (Ready to be used out of the box), which means that you can simply drag and drop the sound effects into your game engine without any additional processing or editing required. With 3.62 GB of versatile game audio assets these 1132 popular game ready audio assets it’s a given you’ll get sounds that you can quickly implement inside any Sci-fi to give it a “hit app” game feel.

Prepare your gear bags for covert operations: Sci-fi Shooter Game – the ultimate audio companion for Sci-fi gaming!

1132 Samples

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