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Plugin Alliance Lindell Bundle 2024.06.19 MacOS

File size: 815.77 MB

林德尔音频,自2010年成立以来,已迅速获得了生产高品质的模拟齿轮的声誉。唱片制作人Tobias lindell – Bohus Sound studios的常驻制作人-着手设计录音设备以满足他自己的工作方式。开发他在市场上找不到的功能和用户界面。现在,随着林德尔的插件产品线的引入,同样真实的关注音频质量和高效的工作流程可以在您的宿主中找到。

•林德尔音频6X-500 1.2.2 -前置放大器和双波段EQ与吨的颜色
•林德尔音频7X-500 1.2.2 -“76”FET压缩的声音
•林德尔音频50系列1.0.3 -获得历史上最好的美国制造的游戏机和午餐盒单位的音调
•林德尔音频69系列1.0.0 -享受独特的温暖和和谐丰富的控制台,定义经典摇滚
•林德尔音频80系列1.0.6 -所有时间模拟到核心的最心爱的控制台之一- Neve 80系列
•林德尔音频254E 1.2.2 -忠实模拟传说中的NEVE 2254E压缩机/限制器
•林德尔音频354E 1.0.4 -多波段M/S压缩机基于老式Neve®2254E™
•林德尔音频902 De-Esser 1.0.2 -原来的“智能De-Esser”:一个经典的音调,自然地适应任何信号
•林德尔音频通道x 1.2.2 -不仅仅是一个正常的通道带
•林德尔音频MBC 1.0.3 -一个忠实的模拟经典API®模拟总线压缩机,现在有三个频率相关的波段
•林德尔音频MU-66 1.0.0 -一个永恒的和必要的可变mu管压缩机
•林德尔音频PEX-500 1.2.2 -令人难以置信的音乐pultec式EQ
•林德尔音频SBC 1.0.2 -让你的轨道听起来大而有力!
•Lindell Audio TE-100 1.1.3 -向Klein & Hummel UE-100致敬,有14个管为单个EQ供电

•macOS 11.0或更高版本


Lindell Audio, since its founding in 2010, has quickly gained a reputation for producing high quality analog gear. Record producer Tobias Lindell—resident producer at Bohus Sound Studios—set out to design recording equipment to satisfy his own way of working. Developing functions and user interfaces that he couldn’t find on the market. Now, with the introduction of Lindell’s plugin product line, that same authentic attention to audio quality and efficient workflow can be found inside your DAW.

→ Included:
• Lindell Audio 6X-500 1.2.2 – The preamp and two-band EQ with tons of color
• Lindell Audio 7X-500 1.2.2 – The sound of “76” FET compression
• Lindell Audio 50 Series 1.0.3 – Get the tone of the best American-made consoles and lunchbox units in history
• Lindell Audio 69 Series 1.0.0 – Enjoy the distinct warmth and harmonic richness of the console that defined classic rock
• Lindell Audio 80 Series 1.0.6 – One of the most beloved consoles of all time emulated to the core – the Neve 80 Series
• Lindell Audio 254E 1.2.2 – A faithful emulation of the legendary NEVE 2254E compressor/limiter
• Lindell Audio 354E 1.0.4 – Multi-Band M/S Compressor based on the vintage Neve® 2254E™
• Lindell Audio 902 De-Esser 1.0.2 – The original “intelligent de-esser”: A classic tone that naturally adapts to any signal
• Lindell Audio ChannelX 1.2.2 – Much more than just a normal channel strip
• Lindell Audio MBC 1.0.3 – A faithful emulation of the classic API® analog bus compressor, now with three frequency-dependent bands
• Lindell Audio MU-66 1.0.0 – A timeless and essential Vari-Mu Tube Compressor
• Lindell Audio PEX-500 1.2.2 – The incredibly musical Pultec-style EQ
• Lindell Audio SBC 1.0.2 – Make your tracks sound big and punchy!
• Lindell Audio TE-100 1.1.3 – A nod to the Klein & Hummel UE-100, with 14 tubes powering a single EQ

Supported Operation System
• macOS 11.0 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

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