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循环打击乐 – Sound Dust Loop Pool Percussion KONTAKT-ohsie

ohsie | 23 June 2024 | 1.16 GB

60种Kontakt乐器(K5 & K6版本)
由Marcio和Sound Dust策划的100个完整循环
1.5 GB总大小

Marcio Doctor是一名打击乐手和作曲家,对纹理和凹槽有着敏锐的听觉。他来自阿根廷,现在定居在汉堡,他周游世界,收集了很多疯狂的东西,这些东西可以发出很好的声音。对于这个工程,Marcio精心选择了最合适的,有时是最折衷的乐器,以建立一个巨大的免费凹槽和节奏织体的集合。Bombo和Tan Tan发出美丽的低圆形砰砰声,Riq和各种铃鼓发出像军鼓一样的凹槽,不太可能的金属和玻璃物体发出高端的咔嗒声……还有木凳!(见下面的完整列表)

所以,Sound Dust和Marcio的合作是非常非常令人兴奋的。
LOOP POOL打击乐将超过1000个Marcio循环倒入LOOP POOL引擎,以创建一个具有无数节奏和纹理可能性的样本乐器。




An infinity of eccentric rhythm texture devised in a unique collaboration with Grammy winning percussion maestro and composer Marcio Doctor.
3 sample sets – BAM & TSCHAK, MOONDOG generator and GROOVEPOOL
60 Kontakt instruments (K5 & K6 versions)
1055 synced stem loops
100 full loops curated by Marcio and Sound Dust
1.5 GB total size

Who ?
Marcio Doctor is a percussionist and composer with a finely tuned ear for texture and groove. Originally from Argentina and now settled in Hamburg, he has travelled the world and amassed an amazing collection of crazy things to hit that make great noises. For this project Marcio carefully selected the most appropriate and some times most eclectic of his instruments to build a huge collection of complimentary grooves and rhythm textures. Bombo and Tan Tan for beautiful low rounded thud, Riq and various tambourines for snare like grooves, unlikely metal and glass objects for high-end clatter…and a wooden stool ! (see full list below)

So, a Sound Dust collaboration with Marcio couldn’t be anything but really, really exciting.
LOOP POOL PERCUSSION pours more than 1000 Marcio loops into the LOOP POOL engine to create a sample instrument with literally a gazillion rhythm and texture possibilities.

Always synced to the BPM of your DAW, you can intuitively trigger, time slip and morph samples with mod wheel and keyboard to create beautiful and bonkers percussive adventures. LOOP POOL PERCUSSION is an unexpected and refreshing alternative to epic drum imperialism and could be your new groovy secret weapon.

Why ?
This is an out of the ordinary sample library partly inspired by the very out of the ordinary MOONDOG – the legendary ‘Viking of 6th Avenue’. You may not have heard of him, but if you are interested in the coffee stained groove of Tom Waits, the wonky blues of Captain Beefheart, or the visionary cacophony of Harry Partch you will love him and his very strange story.

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