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EQ均衡器 Audified RZ062 Equalizer v2.1.3 WIN

Team R2R | 2024.09.14 | 42.3 MB

我们的RZ062 EQ插件是当今市场上最独特的EQ插件之一。我们模仿了Klangfilm KL-RZ062 EQ后的插件,这是一个在20世纪60年代设计的单元,一直是任何混音台的基本组成部分,在欧洲(主要是在德国)录制的众多专辑和单曲中使用,整个60年代,70年代和80年代。我们很幸运地找到了原始单元,将其拆开,仔细测量并复制了复杂的(超过200个组件!)电路,并将其放入插件形式,具有其独特的功能,如管饱和度,并改善了整体用户体验。

该插件包括两个最流行的版本,它们具有标准的低音和中音和高音控件,具有一些独特的功能。低音旋钮控制频率在40Hz和1khz之间,在那里你可以增加+ 12db和减少- 20db的增益。高音旋钮控制1千赫和10千赫之间的频率,它可以增加+12分贝或减少-18分贝的增益。

版本之间最显著的区别在于中频控制。A版本有一个固定的频率650赫兹,整个频谱围绕它旋转-所以当你提高低音频率时,高音频率会降低,反之亦然。b版本的特点是在中频控制的地方存在过滤器。使用此控制,您可以提升四个频率:1.4 kHz, 2 kHz, 2.8 kHz和4 kHz,每个频率具有最大4.8 dB升压,具有0.8 dB增益的六个步骤。


Windows 7或更高版本


Our RZ062 EQ plugin is one of the most unique EQ plugins on the market today. We have modeled the plugin after Klangfilm KL-RZ062 EQ, a unit designed in the 1960s that has been a fundamental part of any mixing desk, used on numerous albums and singles recorded in Europe (mainly in Germany) throughout the 60s’, 70s’ and 80s’. We were lucky enough to find the original unit, take it apart, carefully measure and replicate the complicated (over 200 components!) circuit, and put it into plugin form with its distinct features such as tube saturation and improve the user experience overall.

Distinct Features
The plugin includes the two most popular versions, which feature standard bass and middle and treble controls with some distinct features. Bass knobs control frequencies between 40Hz and 1 kHz, where you can add +12 dB and reduce -20 dB of gain. Treble knob controls frequencies between 1 kHz and 10 kHz, where it can add +12 dB or reduce -18 dB gain.

The most significant difference between versions comes in the middle-frequency control. The A version has a fixed frequency of 650 Hz, and the whole frequency spectrum rotates around it – so when you raise the bass frequencies, treble frequencies get lower, and vice-versa. The B-Version features a presence filter in place of the midrange control. With this control, you can boost four frequencies: 1.4 kHz, 2 kHz, 2.8 kHz, and 4 kHz, with each frequency having a maximum of 4.8 dB boost, with six steps of 0.8 dB gain.

Whats new in this version
• Stability improved.
• macOS uninstaller added.
• macOS deployment target changed to 10.13.
• Added value tooltips to EQ section knobs.

System Requirements
windows 7 or higher


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