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Epic Stock Media Steampunk Game WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 22 October 2024 | 2.77 GB



电荷,冷却,机械,工具,能量,能力闪烁,球,收集,小工具,分离,压力释放,气体,蒸汽,精巧的杠杆,发动机,火车,滑轮,轮子,风扇,电机,机器,曲柄,叮当声,激活,UI / UX,升级,机制,机械开关,破坏,液压,旋转,静态,无线电,飞艇帆,工业联锁,复杂的金库门,蒸汽朋克序列,shuffles,断路器,电弧,火花,打开,关闭,重新加载,插入,金属,影响,城市下水道,工厂,实验室,火车场,建筑,旋转,设计的嗡嗡声,游戏项目,拾取,齿轮,燃烧,木制古董,闩锁,滚筒,通知/警报,蒸汽朋克武器,陷阱,近战,爆炸&更多。


所有的声音效果标签是UCS兼容,并组织成类别,使其更容易导航与可理解的文件夹结构:设计-能力,动作,武器,机器,装置,机制,泵,系统UI,系统通知,氛围循环,音乐循环,门,小工具,易碎物品,和更多。在UCS之上,Steampunk Game – sound set在使用soundminer元数据的文件中嵌入了大量的元数据,以帮助您在正确的时间找到正确的声音。

所有的5000+声音文件的设计,使您的生活更轻松,生产工作流程更快,并在96kHz/24位。wav文件格式交付,以保持一流的音频保真度。另外,你得到一个胶合版本(所有单一的声音-导出到单一的声音集文件)和一个44.1k 16位。wav版本的整个集合提供,所以你永远不需要转换文件。蒸汽朋克游戏音效-声音包的预混音频已经准备好拖放到你的游戏或电影中。只需选择最适合您项目的格式,让您的制作听起来很棒!



•所有在96k 24位WAV
•9+ GB样品
•包括整个库的多种格式:96kHz/24bit .WAV, 44.1k 16 Bit .WAV, glue


Designed for game developers and sound designers seeking to evoke the charm and danger of steampunk worlds. Introducing the “Steampunk Game” sound effects library featuring an expansive story telling collection of over 5000+ meticulously crafted game audio asset library, capturing just about every detail of this retro-futuristic era. Hear the clangs of gears, the whispers of steam valves, and the rhythmic pulses of mechanical marvels that transport yourself to a Victorian metropolis brimming with the energy of the industrial revolution.

Whether you’re crafting the atmospheric hum of a steam-powered engine or the intricate wood contraptions of a fantastical gadget, this expansive library offers endless possibilities to unleash your creativity at every turn of the cog.

Leagues of Sound Design Included
Electrical charges, cool downs, mech, tools, energy, ability shimmers, orbs, collects, gadget, detach, pressure release, gas, steam, contraption levers, engines, trains, pulleys, wheels, fans, motors, machines, cranks, clanks, activations, UI / UX, upgrades, mechanisms, mechanical switches, destruct, hydraulics, rotating, static, radio, airship sails, industrial interlock, complex vault doors, steampunk sequences, shuffles, circuit breaker, arc, spark, opens, closes, reloads, inserts, metals, impacts, city sewers, factory, laboratory, train yard, construction, spins, designed whooshes, game items, pickups, gears, combustion, wood antiques, latches, rollers, notifications / alerts, steampunk weapons, traps, melee, explosions & much more.

Maximum Possibilities in Steampunk Game
Explore an imaginative library that’s perfect for helping you create truly memorable sound design and hyper-realistic atmospheres in genres and styles fitting for the steampunk era. Ideal for Victorian-era streets, industrial revolution workshops, airship battles, and mechanical marvels, this library is also suited for historical pieces, fantasy worlds, and games involving settlers coming to a new world. “Steampunk Game” – the complete action-adventure sound library comes with a massive collection of over 5064 SFX files, offering unparalleled creativity. Both the designed and source sections of the library are game-ready but versatile enough to further edit, mix, and match to your liking. The library was developed to be a modular and useful sound bank, allowing you to create unique sonic aesthetics for years to come or ready to go upon purchase. Many of these sound sets have various use cases. For example, the “Steam_Engine_Set” This sound could be used for a steam-powered contraption, while the “Gadget_Collect” sound could be an item pick-up, treasure grab, or positive reward, and more.

UCS Compliant & Soundminer Metadata
All sound effects labeling is UCS compliant and is organized into categories to make it easier to navigate with understandable folder structures: Designed – Abilities, Actions, Weapons, Machines, Contraptions, Mechanisms, Pumps, System UI, System Notifications, Ambience Loops, Music Loops, Doors, Gadgets, Breakables, & more. On top of UCS, Steampunk Game – sound sets feature extensive metadata embedded in the files using soundminer metadata to help you find the right sound at the right time as well.

Includes Entire Library In Multiple Formats
All of the 5000+ sound files are designed to make your life easier, production workflow faster and delivered in 96kHz/24bit .WAV file format to maintain top-notch audio fidelity. Plus, you get a Glued version (all single sounds – exported into single sound set files) & a 44.1k 16 Bit .WAV version of the entire collection is provided so you never need to convert files. Steampunk Game sound effects – sound pack’s premixed audio is ready to drag and drop into your game or film. Simply choose the format that suits your project best and let your production sound great!

Steampunk Game offers a vast and versatile sound bank, allowing you to create unique sonic aesthetics for years to come. Whether you need the sound of a wood pulley lifting a sail or a mechanical contraption in action, this library has you covered. Get ready to bring your steampunk fantasies to life with this comprehensive action-adventure sound library!

Product Details:

• 5064 Game Ready Sound Effects & Loops in Total
• All in 96k 24bit WAV
• 9+ GB of Samples
• 1740+ Designed Game Ready – Steampunk Game Sound Effects
• 3320+ Source / Organic Sound Effects – build your own sounds or sweeten
• 901 Sound Sets / Glued Files
• Includes multiple formats of the entire library: 96kHz/24bit .WAV, 44.1k 16 Bit .WAV, Glued
• Includes embedded Soundminer metadata
• UCS Compliant
• 233+ Minutes of Audio
• 67 Designed – Ability
• 163 Designed – Action
• 92 Designed – Breakable
• 49 Designed – Chest
• 97 Designed – Contraptions
• 75 Designed – Door
• 133 Designed – Gadget
• 29 Designed – Lever
• 50 Designed – Loop Ambience
• 115 Designed – Loop Machine
• 163 Designed – Mechanism
• 10 Designed – Music Loops
• 20 Designed – Pump
• 101 Designed – System Notifications
• 185 Designed – UI
• 394 Designed – Weapons
• 60 Designed – Blade
• 19 Designed – Equip
• 35 Designed – Explosions
• 137 Designed – Gun
• 26 Designed – Gun Handling
• 21 Designed – Melee
• 20 Designed – Pistol
• 76 Designed – Traps
• 11 Source – Bass Low Mid
• 103 Source – Friction
• 93 Source – Impacts
• 150 Source – Jewelry
• 422 Source – Metal
• 221 Source – Piano
• 515 Source – Plastic
• 1068 Source – Tool
• 206 Source – Tripod
• 115 Source – Umbrella
• 62 Source – Weapon
• 39 Source – Whoosh
• 316 Source – Wood
• All Sound Effects are youtube friendly
• 100% Royalty-Free
• RTU-OTB (Ready to be used out of the box)
• Works with All DAW’s

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