DRUGGYAUDIOZ | 23 January 2024 | 818 MB
当我们说“永远的独立”时,我们是认真的。 Indie Forever 3 继承了 IF2 的不足,充满了空灵的合成器、梦幻般的和弦和富有质感的鼓,可以吸引您的灵魂并点燃您内心的自由精神。 从 Teezo Touchdown、Tame Impala 和 Bakar 等有远见的人那里汲取灵感,现场音乐的激动人心的能量在这个优质样本包的每一个声音中涌动。 Indie Forever 3 是您通往属于您自己的世界的通行证,其中唯一存在的规则就是您创建的规则。 调高音量,拥抱独立音乐的精神,让旋律引导您,继续保留独立音乐的永恒精髓……永远。 声音由 Toby Schay 和 Skimmy 制作
251 个样品
When we said “Indie Forever”, we meant it. Indie Forever 3 picks up where IF2 left off, full of ethereal synths, dreamy chords, and textured drums to captivate your soul and ignite your inner free spirit. Drawing inspiration from visionaries like Teezo Touchdown, Tame Impala, and Bakar, electrifying energy of live music surges through every sound of this premium sample pack. Indie Forever 3 is your passport to a world all your own, where the only rules that exist are the ones you create. Turn up the volume, embrace the spirit of indie music, and let the melodies guide you as you continue to preserve the everlasting essence that is indie… forever and ever. Sounds crafted By Toby Schay & Skimmy
251 Samples