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Authentic Soundware Space Age Voices KONTAKT




– Kontakt格式兼容所有主要daw

太空时代的声音带给你真实的声音,一个世纪中叶的工作室声乐合奏。该库包括8个nki补丁,用于完整版本的Native Instrument的Kontakt。功能包括两个发声(长元音表演)补丁与两个连奏模式,维持,滑翔和下降;三个具有自动重复模式的短音节贴片;一个专用的不带音的“ch”和“cha”补丁;还有两个额外的片段,包括各种无音调的感叹词、特效和口语单词和短语。

我们竭尽全力尽可能真实地录制这个项目。在曼哈顿标志性的锡尔声音工作室A工作,我们捕捉到三个精英纽约会议歌手的声音,使用的工具和时代的技术。我们使用的令人垂涎的经典装备的简要列表包括,原始诺伊曼U67管麦克风,RCA DX77带麦克风,Neve 8038定制控制台,Fairchild限制器和Ampex½“磁带机。

-关闭麦克风1 (Neumann U67 > Neve pre > Ampex磁带在30ps)
-关闭麦克风2 (RCA 77 > Neve pre > Ampex磁带在30ps)


需要完整版本的NI Kontakt v6.7或更高!


Space Age Voices brings the authentic sound of a midcentury studio vocal ensemble to your digital audio workstation. This unique library features a group of three elite NYC session singers performing stylistically-specific articulations and techniques that deliver vintage personality and charm that is out of this world!

Create swooping retro melodies with two legato modes, smooth gliding chords with dedicated poly-glide articulations, and zippy vocal hooks with an advanced syllable repetition script. Then dial in your ideal vintage tone using three mic positions recorded at iconic Sear Sound Studio A in midtown Manhattan using their unrivaled collection of rare microphones. These sounds will rocket your next production to the stars!

– Truly authentic-sounding recordings
– Access to the very best musicians in NYC
– Sounds and articulations you can’t find anywhere else
– Vintage gear and recording techniques
– Kontakt format compatible with all major DAWs

What’s included
Space Age Voices brings you the authentic sound of a mid-century studio vocal ensemble. The library includes 8 nki patches for the full version of Native Instrument’s Kontakt. Features include two vocalise (long vowel performances) patches with two legato modes, sustains, glides, and falls; three short syllable patches with auto repetition mode; a dedicated unpitched ‘ch’ and ‘cha’ patch; and two extra patches of various unpitched exclamations, effects, and spoken words and phrases.

The Recordings
We went all out on recording this project as authentically as possible. Working at Manhattan’s iconic Sear Sound Studio A, we captured the sound of three elite NYC session singers, using the tools and techniques of the era. A brief list of the coveted classic gear we used includes, original Neumann U67 tube mic, RCA DX77 ribbon mic, Neve 8038 custom console, Fairchild limiter, and Ampex ½” tape machine.

Each patch offers 3 microphone positions:
– Close mic 1 (Neumann U67 > Neve pre > Ampex tape at 30ips)
– Close mic 2 (RCA 77 > Neve pre > Ampex tape at 30ips)
– Stereo room mic (Sear Sound custom setup)

Requires the FULL version of NI Kontakt v6.7 or higher!

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