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Black Octopus Sound Imaginate Foley Chillstep WAV-GTA

GTA | 6 December 2023 | 2.10 GB

欢迎来到“Foley Chillstep”的迷人世界,这是一个声音宝库,它将重新定义您的 Chillstep 作品的精髓。 由巧妙的声音设计师 Imagine 精心打造。 这个免版税包总共拥有 1,025 种声音和 2.3GB 的优质内容。 这些独特的声音将为您的音乐注入生命力,将您带入一个凉爽、梦幻且迷人的听觉天堂。

节奏是音乐的心跳,“Foley Chillstep”为您提供了使其充满情感的工具。 深入研究涵盖多种流派的精美 Drum One Shot 合集,让您自由创作独特的节拍。 这些独一无二的打击乐元素旨在激发和提升您的声音。 使用旨在让听众动起来的鼓循环来调高节奏系数。 每个循环都承载着 chillstep 的灵魂,确保您的曲目具有与众不同的独特节奏。

通过激动人心的低音循环提升您的低端游戏水平。 这些循环就像一个音乐锚,以深沉的共振频率为您的曲目奠定基础。 如果您喜欢创建独特的低音线,“Foley Chillstep”提供了一系列 Bass One Shot,可帮助您构建独特的低音声音。

通过一系列精心捕捉、独一无二的合成器来释放您的创造力。 这些精心制作的高品质一次性样本旨在为您的曲目增添个性和深度。 从闪闪发光的主线到令人难以忘怀的垫子和轰鸣的拨弦。 这些原始的、精心挑选的声音是您放松幸福的通行证。 令人着迷的 Synth 循环将让您沉浸在催眠般的 chillstep 脉冲中。 无论您需要柔滑的旋律、舒缓的进行还是令人难以忘怀的氛围,我们都能满足您的需求。

现在,通过精心挑选的 FX 声音,为您的曲目添加一点魔力比以往任何时候都更容易,这将为您的作品注入活力。 Fallers、Risers 和 Transitions 可以让您建立预期、创造张力并绘制将听众带到另一个维度的音景。 而拟音单镜头是通过添加有机纹理和真实世界录音的魅力,为您的 chillstep 作品增添一抹现实主义和人性的秘密要素。 氛围范围从舒缓的环境色调到令人难以忘怀的电影纹理,旨在唤起情感

所有这些样本加上里面附带的 Serum 波表都是您的空白画布,准备好让您在 chillstep 的迷人世界中绘制您的音乐杰作。 每个样本都经过最高精度和精心制作,以确保您获得顶级的 24 位音频质量。 它们均经过精心制作、经过质量检查且免版税,并在需要时标有调性和速度标签。 并准备好与所有主要数字音频工作站无缝协作,因此您可以轻松地将它们集成到您的项目中。

总内容 2.3GB
总共 1,025 种声音
第214章 鼓一击
15 拍手
15 镲片
31 顶帽子
30 踢
41 打击乐
52 摇床
30 军鼓
141 鼓循环
30 个完整套件循环
30 个底鼓和军鼓循环
30 帽圈
30 个振动环
5 个镲片循环
30 个低音循环
75 贝斯一击
178 合成器一击
45 条线索
45 垫
45 采摘
43 合成器
129 合成器循环
22 条线索
37 垫
36 拨片
34 合成器
90 FX 一击
30 个电影过渡
30 倒下者
30 个立管
80 拟音一击
第38章 气氛一枪
50 个额外血清波表


Welcome to the captivating world of ‘Foley Chillstep,’ a treasure trove of sounds that will redefine the essence of your Chillstep compositions. Crafted by the ingenious sound designer, Imaginate. This royalty-free pack boasts 1,025 total sounds and a colossal 2.3GB of premium content. These unique sounds will breathe life into your music and transport you to an auditory paradise that’s chill, dreamy, and utterly enchanting.

The rhythm is the heartbeat of your music, and ‘Foley Chillstep’ provides you with the tools to make it pulse with emotion. Dive into an exquisite collection of Drum One Shots that span multiple genres, giving you the freedom to craft your unique beats. These one-of-a-kind percussive elements are designed to inspire and elevate your sound. Turn up the groove factor with Drum Loops that are designed to get your listeners moving. Each loop carries the soul of chillstep, ensuring your tracks will have that distinctive groove that sets them apart.

Elevate your low-end game with the soul-stirring Bass Loops. These loops are like a musical anchor, grounding your tracks with deep, resonant frequencies. If you prefer to create your unique bass lines, ‘Foley Chillstep’ provides an array of Bass One Shots that’ll help you construct bass sounds that are uniquely yours.

Unleash your creativity with a stunning assortment of meticulously captured, one-of-a-kind Synths. These meticulously crafted, high-quality one-shot samples are designed to add character and depth to your tracks. From shimmering leads to haunting pads and thrumming plucks. These pristine, handpicked sounds are your passport to chillstep bliss. The mesmerizing Synth loops will immerse you with their hypnotic chillstep pulse. Whether you need silky melodies, soothing progressions, or haunting atmospheres, we’ve got it all.

FX, Foley & Atmospheres:
Adding a dash of magic to your tracks is now easier than ever with carefully selected FX sounds that will breathe life into your productions. The Fallers, Risers & Transitions allow you to build anticipation, create tension, and paint soundscapes that transport your listeners to another dimension. While the Foley one shots are the secret ingredient for adding a touch of realism and humanity to your chillstep productions, by adding the enchantment of organic textures and real-world recordings. The Atmospheres range from soothing ambient tones to haunting, cinematic textures that are designed to evoke emotions

All of these samples plus the bonus Serum wavetables inside are your blank canvas, ready for you to paint your musical masterpiece in the enchanting world of chillstep. Each sample is crafted with the utmost precision and care to ensure you receive top-tier, 24-bit audio quality. With key and tempo-labeled when needed, they are all meticulously crafted, quality-checked, and royalty-free. and ready to work seamlessly with all major digital audio workstations, so you can integrate them into your projects effortlessly.

2.3GB Total Content
1,025 Total Sounds
214 Drum One Shots
15 Claps
15 Cymbals
31 Hats
30 Kicks
41 Percussion
52 Shakers
30 Snares
141 Drum Loops
30 Full Kit Loops
30 Kick and Snare Loops
30 Hat Loops
30 Shaker Loops
5 Cymbal Loops
30 Bass Loops
75 Bass One Shots
178 Synth One Shots
45 Leads
45 Pads
45 Plucks
43 Synths
129 Synth Loops
22 Leads
37 Pads
36 Plucks
34 Synths
90 FX One Shots
30 Cinematic Transitions
30 Fallers
30 Risers
80 Foley One Shots
38 Atmosphere One Shots
50 Bonus Serum Wavetables

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