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David Dumais Audio Monster Sound FX Pack 2 WAV

24-bit / 96 kHz – 541 MB

受最新电影和游戏启发的一系列具有传奇色彩的怪物声音的第二卷。 Monster Sound FX Pack 2 包含精心设计的充满个性的声音,为听众带来全新的体验。 这些声音经过专业设计,是严肃的声音设计师和游戏开发人员的必备品!

发现适合龙、野兽、外星人、兽人、妖精、巨人、巨魔、食人魔、恶魔以及几乎任何您喜欢的生物的声音。 所有声音都已为您的项目做好了游戏准备!

– 1300 多种音效,您可以直接导入到您的项目中
– 大型怪物对巨大的野兽和生物咆哮
– 攻击、咆哮、咕噜声、咆哮、呼叫、死亡和呼吸声
– 以 96k 24 位录制的超过 1GB 的 HQ 音频内容
– 轻松快速地找到具有丰富嵌入元数据的声音(Basehead)

– 11 个怪物(1201 种声音)
+ 攻击
+ 呼吸
+ 通话
+ 死亡
+ 咕噜声和咆哮声
+ 咆哮
– 大型怪物咆哮(179 种声音)


The second volume in a series of larger-than-life monster sounds inspired by the latest films and games. Monster Sound FX Pack 2 contains carefully designed sounds filled with character to bring a new experience to the listener. Professionally designed, these sounds are a must-have for the serious sound designer and game developer!

Discover sounds perfect for dragons, beasts, aliens, orcs, goblins, giants, trolls, ogres, demons, and almost any creature of your liking. All sounds are game-ready for your project!

– 1300+ sound effects that you can import directly into your project
– Large monster roars for massive beasts and creatures
– Attacks, Roars, Grunts, Growls, Calls, Death, and Breathing sounds
– Over 1GB of HQ audio content recorded at 96k 24bit
– Easily and quickly find sounds with richly embedded metadata (Basehead)

Included in this pack:
– 11 Monsters (1201 sounds)
+ Attack
+ Breathing
+ Calls
+ Death
+ Grunts & Growls
+ Roars
– Large Monster Roars (179 Sounds)

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