FANTASTiC | 05 October 2024 | 460.01 MB
打击乐顶部是超过300个循环的集合,旨在帮助任何制作从开始到结束。这个包是由工程师Luke Farnell和经常合作的Brad Webb (Amy Winehouse, Blue Man Group, Jamie Cullum)在传奇的Livingston Studio 2策划的。路加和;Brad小心翼翼地创造了他们认为在广泛的类型中可用和有效的循环-保持它们简单但强大,同时确保它们为任何产品添加感觉。他们使用了各种各样的玩具,布拉德已经拿起了在多年的发挥,并通过在工作室2自定义75台记录。
Percussion toppers is collection of over 300 loops designed to help any productions from start to finish. The pack was curated by engineer Luke Farnell and frequent collaborator Brad Webb (Amy Winehouse, Blue Man Group, Jamie Cullum) at the legendary Livingston Studio 2. Luke and; Brad carefully created loops they felt would be useable and effective in a wide range of genres – keeping them simple but powerful while making sure they add feel to any productions. They used a variety of toys that Brad has picked up during in years of playing and recorded through the Custom 75 desk in Studio 2.
275 Samples
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