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Ghosthack Desert Cosmos – Sounds of the Unknown WAV-GTA

GTA | 10 May 2024 | 30.26 GB

欢迎来到沙漠宇宙 – 未知之声的干旱世界,在这里,沙子在你脚下移动,世界随着时间慢慢改变你……
沙丘主宰着无尽的景观,为您的冒险和探索创造出不断变化的抽象背景。 尘土飞扬的木管乐器与通风的氛围和干弦乐器独特的共振峰品质相结合,让人联想到异国情调、超凡脱俗的时刻。 萦绕心头、激动人心的歌声漂浮在一切之上,在风中变形。 奇怪而有趣的纹理与大量的打击乐相结合,提供了深刻而丰富的节奏序列。 一系列情感丰富的乐器的精彩编排为本已令人惊叹的配乐带来了生命和澎湃的情感。

容量超过 34 GB,您将探索这个世界最遥远的地方和最私密的角落,并且还有更多精彩可听。 这个组织良好的库具有 7 个主要类别的声音和循环,以及 20 个完整的歌曲包,每个包都包含自己的主干、人声和 MIDI。 在整个收藏中,您会发现所有乐器和人声的湿式和干式版本。 所有这些灵活性和附带的 MIDI 剪辑使您可以轻松地以您喜欢的任何方向真正采用这些令人印象深刻的电影主题,并结合您自己的声音,为混音带来更多您自己的声音和风格。

通过各种管弦乐和民族打击乐器,您将编织出催眠和诱人的节奏,推动您的音景向前发展。 它在永恒的沙子的难以捉摸和神秘的能量以及乐器的漩涡和飘逸的歌声中形成了完美的补充基础元素。 沙漠宇宙深处隐藏着一种古老的力量,可供利用。 让它成为你的缪斯女神……

Desert Cosmos 系列中的所有声音都是 100% 免版税,并且可以在您的项目中使用 – 无论大小。 如果您碰巧正在寻找更多精彩的电影音效,请务必在出发前查看 Rick Zariis 的其他热门作品! 就像庞大的起源选集一样,将 4 个令人惊叹的章节捆绑在一起,形成一部巨大的电影巨著!

Desert Cosmos 的空灵和民族歌声确实令人着迷,也是这个非凡声音系列的亮点之一。 《Desert Cosmos》由三位才华横溢的艺术家表演,其音质令人难以忘怀,《Desert Cosmos》的歌声唤起了一种超凡脱俗的神秘感和史诗大片的精神。 该包具有丰富的声乐元素,包括令人惊叹的和声、引人注目的低音和主唱、出色的声乐效果以及鼓舞人心的合唱团,为任何电影制作增添了深度和宏伟。

Desert Cosmos 是一款精心制作的声音包,旨在满足视频创作者、电影制作人、游戏设计师、作曲家和音乐制作人等的创意需求。 这个全面的集合提供了大量资源来增强您的项目。 对于电影制作人和游戏设计师来说,有 20 首完全创作的音乐曲目,经过精心划分为单独的部分,可以轻松进行定制。 音乐制作人和作曲家还将在 Desert Cosmos 中发现巨大的价值,它具有调号标签的音色和 BPM 标签的循环,确保无缝集成到他们的作品中。 随附的构建套件具有独立的主干,通过在您首选的数字音频工作站、电影程序或采样器中提供简单的拖放功能来简化工作流程。

34.4 GB 内容 – 1,559 个文件
探索各种电影环境声音,包括令人惊叹的人声、电影钢琴、情感弦乐、东方竖琴、令人回味的长笛、迷人的合唱团、雄伟的铜管乐器、民族乐器、不断变化的打击垫和大气纹理。 如此广泛的声音范围开启了灵感和创造力的无限领域。 此外,所有旋律部分都包含 MIDI 文件,为您提供灵活性和精确性,根据您的愿景塑造音乐元素。 踏上声音探索之旅,利用 Desert Cosmos 非凡的声音库提升您的作品。


Welcome to the arid world of DESERT COSMOS – SOUNDS OF THE UNKNOWN, where the sands shift beneath your feet and the world slowly changes you over time…
Dunes dominate the endless landscape, creating an ever-changing abstract backdrop to your adventures and explorations. Dusty woodwinds mix with airy atmospheres and the unique formant qualities of dry stringed instruments to conjure exotic, otherworldly moments. Haunting and stirring vocals float above everything, morphing in the winds. Strange and interesting textures co-mingle with a plethora of percussion to provide deep and rich rhythmic sequences. And the brilliant orchestration of a sweeping collection of emotive instruments brings life and surging emotion to an already breathtaking soundtrack.

Weighing in at over 34 GB, you’ll explore the farthest reaches and the most intimate corners of this world and still have more to hear. This well-organized library features 7 main categories of sounds and loops, as well as 20 full song kits, each containing their own stems, vocals and MIDI. Throughout the entire collection you’ll find both wet and dry versions for all of the instruments and vocals. All this flexibility and the included MIDI clips make it easy for you to truly take any of these impressive cinematic themes in any direction you like, incorporating your own sounds to bring more of your own voice and style to the mix.

With a wide variety of orchestral and ethnic percussion instruments, you’ll weave hypnotic and seductive rhythms that drive your soundscapes forward. It makes a perfect complimentary grounding element amongst the elusive and mystical energy of the timeless sands and the swirl of instruments and drifting vocals. There’s an ancient power to tap into, hidden deep within Desert Cosmos. Let is be your muse…

All sounds in the Desert Cosmos collection are 100% royalty-free and cleared for use in your projects – no matter how big or small. And if you happen to be looking for more great cinematic sounds, be sure to check out other popular titles from Rick Zariis before you depart! Like the sprawling Origins anthology, featuring 4 awe-inspiring chapters bundled together in one huge cinematic opus magnum!

The ethereal and ethnic vocals of Desert Cosmos are truly mesmerizing and one of the HIGHLIGHTS of this exceptional sound collection. Performed by three remarkably talented artists with a hauntingly beautiful quality, the vocals in Desert Cosmos evoke a sense of otherworldly mystique and the spirit of epic blockbuster movies. The pack features a rich array of vocal elements, including breathtaking harmonies, compelling low and main vocals, outstanding vocal fx and an inspiring choir that adds depth and grandeur to any cinematic production.

Desert Cosmos is a meticulously crafted sound pack tailored to cater to the creative needs of video creators, filmmakers, game designers, composers and music producers alike. This comprehensive collection offers a vast array of resources to enhance your projects. For filmmakers and game designers, there are 20 fully composed music tracks, thoughtfully divided into separate parts, allowing for easy customization. Music producers and composers will also find immense value in Desert Cosmos, with key-labeled tonal sounds and BPM-labeled loops, ensuring seamless integration into their productions. The included construction kits feature separate stems, simplifying the workflow by allowing easy drag-and-drop functionality in your preferred digital audio workstation, movie program or sampler.

34.4 GB OF CONTENT – 1,559 FILES
Explore a diverse collection of cinematic ambient sounds, featuring stunning vocals, cinematic pianos, emotional strings, oriental harps, evocative flutes, captivating choirs, majestic brass, ethnic instruments, evolving pads and atmospheric textures. This extensive range of sounds unlocks boundless realms of inspiration and creativity. Moreover, all melodic parts include MIDI files, providing you with the flexibility and precision to shape the musical elements according to your vision. Embark on a journey of sonic exploration and elevate your compositions with the extraordinary sound library of Desert Cosmos.

A construction kit is a versatile resource included in Desert Cosmos that comprises a complete music track, meticulously separated into individual parts. This allows you the freedom to either utilize the full track as is or selectively choose specific sounds and samples that suit your movie or music production. Alternatively, you can recompose the entire track according to your preferences by effortlessly drag and dropping the included sound files into your project. The construction kit empowers you with flexibility and ease, enabling seamless customization and adaptation to meet your creative requirements.

What’s Inside This Bundle?
20 Construction Kits (60 – 74 BPM)
With 1,199 STEMs, MIDI, Vocals and Mixed Music Tracks
Of Which 94 Are Acapellas / Vocal STEMs
30 Vocal Drones and Phrases (wet & dry option)
20 Ambient Desert Mood FX (wet & dry option)
20 Drum & Percussion Hits
30 Live-Recorded Duduk Loops
30 Orchestral Loops with MIDI Files (wet & dry option)
30 Percussion Loops (wet & dry option)
Total Files: 1,559
Total Size: 34.4 GB
File Format: 32bit 48kHz

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