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Image Sounds Violin 2 – Folk & Pop WAV

WAV | 44,1 kHz / 24 bits – 775 MB

隆重推出 Violin 2 – Folk and Pop – 很棒的样本集 通过我们出色的 Folk and Pop Violin 2 样本集释放民间和流行音乐的衷心精髓。 这个精心制作的系列经过精心设计,旨在增强您的音乐创作,为它们注入真正的魅力和深刻的情感共鸣。 该样本库拥有令人印象深刻的 1.2 GB 内容和 287 个制作精美的小提琴循环,是音乐家、制作人和作曲家等不可缺少的工具箱。 《Violin 2 – Folk and Pop》中的每一段旋律都由一位技艺精湛的小提琴家精心演奏和录制,捕捉到了凄美旋律和富有感染力的节奏的灵魂。 当这些优雅的弦乐以华丽的音调和无可挑剔的精度回响时,您将沉浸在令人回味的氛围中。 从令人难忘的精致和声到充满活力的节奏主题,这个库是您的民谣和流行作品创意火花的宝库。 为了确保轻松集成到您的项目中,Violin 2 – Folk and Pop 中的所有循环都精心标记了速度和关键信息。 这种简化的方法使您可以将这些循环无缝集成到现有曲目中,从而使音乐制作快速而轻松。 无论您是要创作一首柔和的小夜曲还是一首欢快的流行歌曲,我们精心标记的循环都将轻松融入您喜欢的音乐背景。

节奏范围广泛,从悠闲的 80 bpm 到活泼的 145 bpm,您将找到适合您所需节奏和情绪的理想小提琴节奏。 无论您的追求是探索精致而内省的旋律,还是充满活力和振奋人心的段落,这个图书馆都提供了丰富的选择来补充任何情绪情绪或风格倾向。 Violin 2 – Folk and Pop 样本集以广泛兼容的 WAV 格式提供,确保与各种数字音频工作站 (DAW) 和音乐制作软件无缝集成。 这些循环以 44.1kHz 的采样率以原始的 24 位分辨率精心录制,确保每个声音细微差别都具有卓越的保真度和清晰度。

创建理想的构图从未如此简单。 每个文件夹中的循环可以轻松地相互协调,因此您可以轻松地将它们组合和分层以创建您想要的声音挂毯。 无论您是想用我们多样化的收藏来创作整首歌曲,还是只是为您现有的曲目添加一点小提琴的魔力,可能性都是无限的。 我们用户友好的循环让您可以轻松快速地进行创作,确保流畅高效的工作流程——这是现代音乐制作的一个重要方面。 只需几秒钟,您就可以浏览、聆听并为您的项目选择完美的小提琴循环,让您的创造力尽情发挥。

深入“Violin – Folk and Pop 2”的沉浸式世界,您会发现每个循环都准备得非常完美。 每个小提琴元素均以原始的 24 位、44.1 kHz WAV 格式精心录制,确保无与伦比的清晰度和保真度。 对细节的关注和专业的制作质量保证了卓越的聆听体验。 “Violin 2 – Folk and Pop”的节奏范围从 50 BPM 到 159 BPM,提供无限的多功能性。 无论您是创作民谣、流行歌曲还是激烈的电子乐曲,这些小提琴线条都能无缝适应任何音乐背景,以其崇高之美提升您的创作。

最重要的是,“Violin 2 – Folk and Pop”附带 100% 免版税许可,让您可以在任何商业或个人项目中自由使用这些迷人的小提琴循环,无需任何额外费用或法律限制。

– 1,2 GB
– 287 个小提琴循环
– 现场表演和演奏
– 节奏和调标记
– 80 BPM – 145 BPM
– 100% 免版税
– 格式:WAV
– 24 位和 44.1 Khz


Introducing Violin 2 – Folk and Pop – An Awesome Sample Collection Unleash the heartfelt essence of folk and pop music with our exceptional Folk and Pop Violin 2 sample collection. This intricately crafted assortment has been meticulously designed to enhance your musical creations, imbuing them with an aura of genuine charm and deep emotional resonance. With an impressive 1.2 gigabytes of content and 287 beautifully crafted violin loops, this sample library is an indispensable toolbox for musicians, producers, and composers alike. Each melodic passage in Violin 2 – Folk and Pop has been masterfully played and recorded by an accomplished violinist, capturing the soul of poignant melodies and infectious rhythms. Immerse yourself in the evocative atmosphere as these graceful strings reverberate with opulent tones and impeccable precision. From hauntingly exquisite harmonies to vibrant rhythmic motifs, this library is a treasure trove of creative sparks for your folk and pop compositions. To ensure effortless integration into your projects, all of the loops in Violin 2 – Folk and Pop are meticulously labeled with tempo and key information. This streamlined approach allows you to seamlessly integrate these loops into your existing tracks, making music production fast and hassle-free. Whether you’re creating a mellow serenade or an upbeat pop anthem, our meticulously labeled loops will fit effortlessly into your preferred musical context.

With a versatile range of tempos from a leisurely 80 bpm to a lively 145 bpm, you’ll find the ideal violin groove to match your desired tempo and mood. Whether your quest leads you to explore delicate and introspective melodies or exuberant and uplifting passages, this library offers a wealth of choices to complement any emotional mood or stylistic inclination. The Violin 2 – Folk and Pop sample collection is provided in the widely compatible WAV format, ensuring seamless integration with a wide range of digital audio workstations (DAWs) and music production software. The loops have been meticulously recorded in pristine 24-bit resolution at a sampling rate of 44.1kHz, ensuring exceptional fidelity and clarity in every sonic nuance.

Creating the ideal composition has never been easier. Loops in each folder effortlessly harmonize with each other, so you can effortlessly combine and layer them to create the sonic tapestry you want. Whether you want to compose an entire song with our diverse collection or simply add a touch of violin magic to your existing tracks, the possibilities are endless. Our user-friendly loops allow you to compose easily and quickly, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow – an important aspect of modern music production. Within seconds, you can browse, listen to, and select the perfect violin loop for your project, letting your creativity run wild.

Delving into the immersive world of “Violin – Folk and Pop 2,“ you’ll find every loop prepped to perfection. Each violin element has been meticulously recorded in pristine 24-bit, 44.1 kHz WAV format, ensuring unrivaled clarity and fidelity. The attention to detail and professional production quality guarantee a sublime listening experience. Spanning a tempo range from 50 BPM to 159 BPM, “Violin 2 – Folk and Pop“ offers versatility that knows no bounds. Whether you’re creating an folk song, a pop track, or an intense electronic composition, these violin lines seamlessly adapt to any musical context, elevating your creations with their sublime beauty.

To top it all off, “Violin 2 – Folk and Pop“ comes with a 100% Royalty Free license, granting you the freedom to use these captivating violin loops in any commercial or personal project without any additional costs or legal restrictions.

– 1,2 GB
– 287 Violin Loops
– Live Performed and Played
– Tempo & Key Labelled
– 80 BPM – 145 BPM
– 100% Royalty Free
– Format: WAV
– 24 Bit & 44.1 Khz

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