FANTASTiC | 30 May 2023 | 572 MB
凭借一系列 BPM 和氛围,VIBE/VIBE/VIBE 将激发任何制作人重新想象和发挥创造力。 这个熟练的样本库利用许多不同的合成器、乐器和律动来为工作室带来兴奋。
一批出色的人声和吉他乐段非常适合添加您一直在工作中寻找的旋律。 不要错过这个完整而新鲜的包装,它是必备品。
With an array of BPM’s and vibes, VIBE/VIBE/VIBE will inspire any producer to re-imagine and get creative. This adept sample library utilises many different synths, instruments and grooves to bring excitement to the studio.
A brilliant batch of amazing sounding vocals and guitar licks are perfect for adding that melody you’ve been looking for in your work. Don’t miss out on this complete and fresh pack, it’s a must have.
296 Samples