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Rewind Samples Obsidian: Drum and Bass WAV-FANTASTiC

FANTASTiC | 24 December 2023 | 486.42 MB

沉浸在《Obsidian: Drum & Bass》雷鸣般的声音中。 该系列样品散发着坚定不移、纯粹的 DnB 能量的原始力量。 该包介于中场休息、丛林和舞池之间,为出色的曲目带来坚韧和复古的氛围。 没有比这更黑的了!

当音景经历彻底的蜕变时,感受你的呼吸加快、感官敏锐,让你沉浸在饱和的模拟旋律、锯齿状节奏和混乱频率的交响乐中。 伴随着深沉和渐进的打击垫、多功能的鼓和音调单音以及强大的 SFX,Obsidian 提供优质的项目增强样本,满足热情的鼓和贝斯爱好者探索现代贝斯音乐深度的愿望,同时带回一丝 黄金时代。

《Obsidian》是两位音乐界大师的声音设计和制作的巅峰之作:Kursiva(舞池 DnB 特立独行者)和 Antares(丛林音乐先锋)。 他们将各自独特的风格融合在一起,创造出一箱势不可挡的采样材料,给人留下持久的印象。

倒带样本可确保所有录音均以行业标准且最通用的 24 位/44.1kHz WAV 格式导出。 循环和单次采样始终呈现,无需任何额外的处理或效果,为制作人提供最大的灵活性和对其声音的控制。 我们鼓励您将这些样本从其原始形式中截取、混搭和抽象,以充分发挥您的创造力。 为什么不深入挖掘更广泛的 Loopcloud 目录 – 看看您最终会到达哪里。

本网站/页面上对任何品牌的任何引用(包括对品牌和仪器的引用)仅供说明之用。 例如,提供对乐器品牌的参考来描述乐器和/或样本中使用的乐器的声音。 Loopmasters 与这些品牌没有(也不声称)有任何关联或认可。 这些品牌所附带的任何商誉均归品牌所有者所有。 Loopmasters 或其供应商不承担与样本内容或描述准确性相关的任何责任。 “RHODES”是 Joseph A Brandstetter 的注册商标。


• 751 MB
• 30 个低音循环
• 16 个镲片循环
• 23 个鼓循环
• 5 个过滤鼓循环
• 10 个打击乐循环
• 57 个合成器循环
• 25 个顶部循环
• 16 808 一击
• 19 个 Behringer Neutron Bass One Shot
• 9 个镲片一击
• 16 次帽子一击
• 23 次踢一击
• 45 首 Moog Bass One Shot
• 7 首打击乐一击
• 3 次边缘一击
• 28 军鼓单发
• 41 个合成贝司 One Shot
• 11 个合成器一次性
• 5 次汤姆一击
• 41 过渡效果


Indulge in the thunderous sonics of Obsidian: Drum & Bass. A sample collection that emanates an unwavering, raw force of unadulterated DnB energy. Sitting somewhere between halftime, jungle, and dancefloor, this pack brings grit & vintage vibes for stand-out tracks. It doesn’t get darker than this!

Feel your breath quicken and your senses sharpen as the soundscape undergoes a complete metamorphosis, engulfing you in a symphony of saturated analogue melodies, jagged rhythms, and mangled frequencies. Accompanied by deep & progressive pads, versatile drum & tonal one-shots, and formidable SFX, Obsidian offers premium project-enhancing samples, catering to the aspirations of passionate drum and bass enthusiasts navigating the depths of modern bass music whilst bringing back a touch of the golden era.

Obsidian is the culmination of sound design and production by two maestros of the scene: Kursiva, a dancefloor DnB maverick, and Antares, a break-heavy jungle head. Together, they merge their distinct styles to create an unstoppable crate of sampling materials set to leave a lasting impression.

Rewind Samples ensure all recordings are exported in industry-standard, and the most versatile, 24-bit/44.1kHz WAV. Both loop and one-shot samples are always presented without any additional processing or effects to give producers maximum flexibility and control over their sound. We encourage you to chop, mash-up, and abstract these samples from their original forms to allow your creativity to flourish fully. Why not get digging through the wider Loopcloud catalogue too – see where you end up.

Any references to any brands on this site/page, including reference to brands and instruments, are provided for description purposes only. For example references to instrument brands are provided to describe the sound of the instrument and/or the instrument used in the sample. Loopmasters do not have (nor do they claim) any association with or endorsement by these brands. Any goodwill attached to those brands rest with the brand owner. Loopmasters or its Suppliers do not accept any liability in relation to the content of the sample or the accuracy of the description. “RHODES” is a registered trademark of Joseph A Brandstetter.

Product Details:

• 751 MB
• 30 Bass Loops
• 16 Cymbal Loops
• 23 Drum Loops
• 5 Filtered Drum Loops
• 10 Percussion Loops
• 57 Synth Loops
• 25 Top Loops
• 16 808 One-Shots
• 19 Behringer Neutron Bass One-Shots
• 9 Cymbal One-Shots
• 16 Hat One-Shots
• 23 Kick One-Shots
• 45 Moog Bass One-Shots
• 7 Percussion One-Shots
• 3 Rim One-Shots
• 28 Snare One-Shots
• 41 Synth Bass One-Shots
• 11 Synth One-Shots
• 5 Tom One-Shots
• 41 Transition FX

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