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Sonus Paradisi Brasov Black Church (HAUPTWERK)

P2P | 14 September 2024 | 22.53 GB

描述:该乐器是卡尔·奥古斯特·布赫霍尔茨(1796 – 1884)现存最大的管风琴,他是一位多产的柏林管风琴制造者。它由四个手动控制台和63个寄存器组成。黑教堂(Biserica neagra, Schwarze Kirche)是位于特兰西瓦尼亚(今天的罗马尼亚)中心的路德教会。自12世纪以来,特兰西瓦尼亚就有德国殖民者,自路德教在欧洲开始以来,德国路德教的传统一直没有中断。布拉索夫是这座教堂管风琴的中心。教堂以其独特的土耳其地毯收藏而闻名,这些地毯挂满了墙壁和各处,它们无疑也为哥特式建筑的声学效果做出了贡献。风琴是罗马尼亚最大的机械乐器。频繁的音乐会强调了乐器的重要性:从春季到秋季,每周举行三场管风琴音乐会。





Description : The instrument is the largest surviving organ of Carl August Buchholz (1796 – 1884), a prolific Berlin organ builder. It consists of four manual consoles with 63 registers. The Black Church (Biserica neagra, Schwarze Kirche) is a Lutheran church in the heart of Transylvania (today Romania). Transylvania had German colonists since the 12th century, and there has been an uninterrupted German Lutheran tradition since the beginning of Lutheranism in Europe. Brasov is the center of this church organ. The church is famous for its unique collection of historical Turkish carpets, which hang all over the walls and throughout – and they also undoubtedly contribute to the acoustics of the Gothic building. The organ is the largest mechanical instrument in Romania. The importance of the instrument is emphasized by frequent concerts: from spring to autumn, three organ concerts are held every week.

The type of instrument is sometimes called “between times”. It has clear signs of a romantic sound: the dominance of 8-foot stops, the polychoric design of the divisions, fully developed choirs (flutes, strings, principals, reeds) in each division, strong dynamic contrasts between the divisions. However, it still has its roots in the design of the Baroque organ with its “Werkprinzip” and pyramidal structure (main stops, aliquots, mixtures). The core of this organ is the Joachim Wagner organ from the Marienkirche in Berlin, an organ that Buchholz renovated in 1829. The purely mechanical action drives traditional slide chests, requiring a lot of force to play on the keyboard.

The organ is physically designed on three floors: the base is occupied by the pedal with the highest pipes on the sides of the organ body. The Oberwerk is located on the floor above at the front, which results in a direct and real sound. The Unterwerk is at the back, closed and has the characteristics of a real echo compartment. The upper floor belongs to the Hauptmanual (at the front) and the Rohrwerk (at the back, closed), which allows you to hear a somewhat distant, almost mystical sound from above. The colors of the registers match each other perfectly, creating a truly smooth crescendo, where no register (even the loudest) stands out from the dark and heavy tutti.

The organ was built in 1839 in the early romantic style. It has survived without major changes to this day.

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