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Sound Ideas Immersion 5.1 Surround Sound Effects Library WAV

WAV | 13.37 GB

沉浸式5.1音效库是来自Point One Sound的终极氛围集合,它将您置于动作的中心。这个免版税的声音效果库提供超过220个氛围音轨。它们都是由环绕声专家录制、编辑和制作的,他们是Point One sound的电影工程师和混音师。此库也可下载16/44.1,16/48或24/48 WAV文件格式。使用音频光盘预览环绕声文件,或用于立体声应用程序。这个环绕声库是经过多年的硬件和麦克风的发展,并创建新的录音和掌握技术的离散5.1声音效果编译。我们认为你会同意结果是值得的。这些轨道是宽敞的,为音频制作过程增加了一个新的维度。我们希望你喜欢使用这些声音,就像我们创造它们一样-点一声音团队,沉浸5.1音效库的创造者。




*最初可在7个DVD rom和7个音频cd



Immersion 5.1 Sound Effects Library is the ultimate ambience collection from Point One Sound that places you right at the centre of the action. This royalty free sound effects library offers more than 220 ambience sound tracks. They were all recorded, edited and mastered by surround sound specialists – the motion picture engineers and mixers at Point One Sound. This library is also available as a Download in 16/44.1, 16/48 or 24/48 WAV file formats. Use the audio discs to preview the surround sound files, or for use in stereo applications. This surround sound library was compiled after years of hardware and microphone development, and the creation of new recording and mastering techniques for discrete 5.1 sound effects. We think you’ll agree the results are worth it. These tracks are spacious and add a new dimension to the audio-production process. We hope you enjoy using these sounds as much as we did creating them – The Point One Sound Team, creators of Immersion 5.1 Sound Effects Library.

Surround Sound Library Ambience sound tracks

*Arenas, convention centers, cottages
*Restaurants, playgrounds, public transportation
*Beaches, forests and many more


*221 royalty free Ambience 5.1 sound effects
*Originally available on 7 DVD ROMs and 7 Audio CDs
*All files fully embedded with extensive metadata
* Available for Download as 16/44.1, 16/48 or 24/48 broadcast wav files

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