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That Sound Jekyll and Hyde MULTiFORMAT

386 MB

这些就是亨利·杰基尔(Henry Jekyll)博士的着名情感,这是罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森(Robert Louis Stevenson)19世纪末小说《杰基尔博士的奇案》和海德先生的主要人物。这部经典小说完美地演绎了人类心灵中存在的善与恶的争论与不和谐。这种人格二元论是Paul Mabury续集That Sound Icon库Jekyll&Hyde的主要灵感。在这个资料库中,Paul力求使Jekyll紧绷,紧握的踢脚,帽子和圈套器的二进制鼓声以及海德的反感和进攻性踢脚,帽子和圈套器组合栩栩如生。杰基尔的鼓鼓既轻巧又干净,海德的声音却野蛮,伤人和不文明。阅读技术规格,以了解有关内部功能的更多信息,并收听演示曲目,以感受Jekyll&Hyde的声音。从最真实的意义上来说,这个收藏是二合一的。很少有一对如此不同的鼓声。 。 。如此对立和对比,却完美地融合在一起。下载此库后,您将开始试听这些声音以用于下一首曲目。正如您所做的那样,“善与恶”鼓采样和循环的结合将使您的创造力超越破碎者,进一步进入深刻而无情的灵感浪潮。当您开始混合和匹配轨道中的这两种声音时,您会发现自己–就像亨利·杰基尔博士一样–渴望同时表达杰基尔坚定,坚定的声音,并与大胆而张扬的声音合作海德的声音。

总共309个样本,一次采样,63个脚踢,103个军鼓,85个帽子,53个toms,5 xtras

总共129个循环,38个Jekyll循环,85个Hyde循环,6个组合循环,速度范围从70 — 180 bpms

Ableton,Reason,EXS24,Maschine 2,Battery 4和Kontakt 5(完整版-预设不适用于Kontakt的免费版)。

These were the famous sentiments of Dr. Henry Jekyll — the main character in Robert Louis Stevenson’s late 19th century novel, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. This classic novel beautifully interplays the disputation and dissonance of the good and evil natures that exist inside the human psyche. This dualism of human personalities is the chief inspiration behind Paul Mabury’s sequel That Sound Icon library, Jekyll & Hyde. In this library, Paul seeks to bring to life the binary drum sounds of Jekyll’s tight, clenched kicks, hats, and snares alongside the antagonistic and offensive kick, hat, and snare combinations of Hyde. While Jekyll’s drums are tactful and clean, Hyde boasts sounds that are barbaric, wounding, and uncivil. Read up on the tech specs to learn more about what’s inside and listen to the demo tracks to get a feel for the sounds of Jekyll & Hyde. This collection is a two-in-one in the truest sense. There has rarely existed a pair of drum sounds so different . . . so opposite and contrasting, yet so perfect in their blend together. After you’ve downloaded this library, you’ll start auditioning these sounds for your next track. As you do, this marriage of “good and evil” drum samples and loops will push your creativity beyond the breakers, further into the deep and unrelenting waves of inspiration. And as you begin to mix and match these two distinct set of sounds in your tracks, you’ll find yourself — much like Dr. Henry Jekyll — yearning to express simultaneously, the firm, unsoiled sounds of Jekyll in cooperation with the bold and insolent sounds of Hyde.
Over 309 total samples, one-shot samples, 63 kicks, 103 snares, 85 hats, 53 toms, 5 xtras
129 total loops, 38 Jekyll loops, 85 Hyde loops, 6 combo loops, tempos ranging from 70 — 180 bpms
Ableton, Reason, EXS24, Maschine 2, Battery 4, and Kontakt 5 (full version — presets won’t work with the free version of Kontakt).

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