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压缩器插件 – Cytomic The Glue v1.2.7 MacOSX

Cytomic The Glue v1.2.7 Mac OS X | 33.5 MB

Glue是一个基于模拟模型的压缩器插件,基于经典80年代的英国大型控制台总线压缩器,并具有一些其他功能。 它使用与电路仿真程序包相同的高质量算法,但针对实时使用进行了优化。 它快速且易于使用,界面整洁。 原始电路的新增功能包括高达0.01mS的超快起音时间和一个Range旋钮,该旋钮可以使压缩回退,从而产生令人难以置信的自然发声声,并限制了所施加的最大压缩量。 还包括外部侧链支持和可调侧链高通滤波器。

The Glue is an analog modeled compressor plug-in based on The classic 80’s British big console buss compressor with some additional features. It uses the same high quality algorithms used in circuit simulation packages but optimised for real time use. It’s quick and easy to use and has an uncluttered interface. Additions over the original circuit include an ultra-fast attack time of up to 0.01mS and a Range knob which backs off the compression to give incredibly natural sounding attacks and limits the maximum amount of compression applied. Also included are external sidechain support and an adjustable sidechain highpass filter.

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