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哈里森Mixbus 6视频教程 – Groove3 Harrison Mixbus 6 Explained REPACK TUTORiAL

HiDERA | 29 June 2020 | 1.4 GB

加里希伯纳为您带来详细的哈里森Mixbus 6视频教程!学习Mixbus v6和32c的所有特性和功能,并在Gary混合“在街上跳舞”时看到它们的实际应用,您还可以获得.wav文件,因此您可以跟随并在您的系统上混合。这些视频是为新的哈里森Mixbus v6和32c用户。

Gary欢迎您,并介绍了将在视频中介绍的内容,然后开始演示如何设置您的第一个Mixbus 6项目,包括如何导入音频。他还演示了如果你碰巧是一个专业工具的用户,如何使用Import Pro Tools会话特性。

整个视频,加里覆盖每一个功能和传输等功能控制,位置标记,混合器窗口,获得分段和计量,记录音频、管理跟踪通过该地区列表,设置和录制MIDI和编辑,创建组,耳机混合,使用不同的压缩模式,方程式,影响,第三方插件,VCA的投篮,自动化、特定32 c特性,导出你的歌,还有更多,更多。

要了解这些深入Harrison Mixbus 6教程向您展示了什么,以及它们将如何让您启动和运行,并快速混合您的第一首歌曲,请在此页上查看单独的Harrison Mixbus v6视频教程描述。使用包括wav文件supercharge你的第一个Harrison Mixbus 6混合项目和学习你需要知道的关于Mixbus 6的一切…今天观看“Harrison Mixbus 6 Explained®”。




Gary Hiebner brings you detailed Harrison Mixbus 6 video tutorials! Learn all of Mixbus v6 and 32c’s features and functions, and see them in action as Gary mixes a great cover of “Dancing In The Street”, which you also get the .wav files for, so you can follow along and mix on your system. These videos are for new Harrison Mixbus v6 and 32c users.

Gary welcomes you and goes over what will be covered in the videos, and then gets started by showing you how to set up your first Mixbus 6 project, including how to import your audio. He also demonstrates how to utilize the Import Pro Tools Session feature if you happen to be a Pro Tools user.

Throughout the videos, Gary covers every feature and function such as the Transport Controls, Location Markers, the Mixer Window, Gain Staging & Metering, recording audio, managing your tracks via the Region List, setting up and recording MIDI and editing it, creating groups, headphone mixes, using the different compression modes, EQs, effects, 3rd party plug-ins, VCA faders, automation, specific 32c features, exporting your song, and much, much more.

To see what these in-depth Harrison Mixbus 6 tutorials show you, and how they’ll allow get you up and running and mix your first song fast, see the individual Harrison Mixbus v6 video tutorial descriptions on this page. Use the included wav files to supercharge your first Harrison Mixbus 6 mixing project and learn everything you need to know about Mixbus 6… Watch “Harrison Mixbus 6 Explained®” today.

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