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响度最大化器 – Venomode Maximal v2.0.0 WiN / OSX

Venomode Maximal v2.0.0 WiN / OSX | 4.45 Mb / 7.95 Mb


使用我们的自适应释放技术,你可以简单地告诉maximum 2你想要的限制器是快而大声的,还是慢而透明的,它会根据内部需要做什么。你可以使用maximum 2来捕捉音频记录中猖獗的峰值,或者你可以使用它来让你的音轨发出phat和loud——这取决于你如何推动它。


Maximal is a loudness maximiser, featuring an advanced lookahead peak limiter and analogue modelled saturation. The multi-stage limiter section features next-level lookahead, automatic makeup gain, and adaptive and responsive release. This plugin will smoothly limit any peaks in the audio, and automatically increase the overall level. The analogue modelled tape and tube saturation modes encompass all the best parts of the analogue world, without all the bad parts – such as high-frequency roll-off, hiss, wow and flutter.

Using our adaptive release technology, you can simply tell Maximal 2 whether you want the limiter to be fast and loud, or slow and transparent, and it will do what’s needed inside. You can use Maximal 2 to catch rampant peaks in an audio recording, or you can use it to make your track phat and loud – it’s up to you how you push it.

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