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多用途通道比例均衡器 – Pulsar Modular P422 Fairuz v1.0.0 MacOS

MORiA | AU | VST3 | 92.9 MB

虽然它有很多名字,但它现在的名字来自法语pierre tourques,即“土耳其石”。这个短语指的是13世纪通过丝绸之路将这种宝石引入欧洲的土耳其商人。



P422 Fairuz是一个多用途通道比例均衡器。每个点的阶进频率是由耳朵调谐的最佳点。不过,为高级用户提供了将频段切换为连续操作的选项。波段可以是峰值曲线或冲压(推/拉)曲线。Fairuz不模仿任何硬件设计。它是一种原创设计,不受现有硬件均衡器的限制和噪声的影响。

– 4波段:L、LM、HM、H。
– 2个架子,低和高。
– 2过滤器:HPF和LPF


macOS 10.13或更高版本


Though it has gone by many names, turquoise get its current name from French pierre tourques, or “Turkish Stone.” This phrase refers to the Turkish traders who introduced the gem to Europe via the Silk Road in the 13th century.

Ancient Persians believed that turquoise could prevent them from harm and covered their daggers and bridles with it. They referred to turquoise as pirouzeh, which translates to “victory.” The Native Americans Apaches wore turquoise as talismans and believed that attaching it to weapons and bows made for better aim. Aztec chiefs wore turquoise jewelry as a mark of authority.

P422 Fairuz will bring out the natural resonance and richness of the instrument you are EQ-ing. Even at extreme boosts or cuts, the integrity of the sound is maintained.

P422 Fairuz is a versatile channel proportional EQ. Each point of the stepped frequencies is tuned by ear for that sweet spot. Still, the option to switch the band to continuous operation is provided for power users. Bands can be either peak or a punch (push/pull) curve. Fairuz does not emulate any hardware design. It is an original design free from the limitations and sonics of existing hardware equalizers.

– 4 Bands: L, LM, HM, H.
– 2 Shelves, Low and High.
– 2 Filters: HPF & LPF
– Step or continuous frequencies and gain.
– Proportional Q.
– Tremor circuit for low end shaping.
– Unique Peak or cut/boost bands.
– Zero sample latency.

Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

System Requirements
macOS 10.13 or higher


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