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好莱坞史诗打击乐器 – IK Multimedia Cinematic Percussion for SampleTank 3/4

IK Multimedia Cinematic Percussion for SampleTank 3/4 Library for SampleTank | Samples, instruments | 358.79 MB

制作人的声音、循环和模式宝箱 好莱坞最佳声音 好莱坞大片史诗般的真实声音现在可用于 SampleTank。Cinematic Percussion 为您带来《Argo》、2012 年奥斯卡最佳影片、《哥斯拉》(2014 年)、《变形金刚:灭绝时代》、《钢铁侠》、《守望者》、《300》、“ The Underworld”系列、“The Matrix”系列、“Dawn of the Dead”(2004 年)等等。除了声音之外,您还可以欣赏到这些以及其他 100 多部电影中演奏过的音乐家的原创表演:打击乐大师 Greg Ellis。
Cinematic Percussion 真的是制作人梦寐以求的工具箱,其中装有以 10 种不同源速度录制的灵活音频循环集合、由 Greg 和 IK 声音设计团队执行的单独 MIDI 模式集合,以及一个可玩的单次打击的深藏宝箱。 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .使用多种速度和循环技术以 SampleTank 风格录制的乐器。该图书馆是在 Ellis 位于好莱坞山的私人工作室录制的,使用他的个人定制乐器收藏,其中包含 300 多个从传统到深奥的鼓。只使用最好的麦克风和前置放大器来捕捉这些独一无二的乐器,不仅以超干净的高保真度捕捉,而且还保留和再现了每件作品的独特特征和个性。
Ellis 周游世界,会见了许多文化的工匠,以寻找最特别的乐器。“这些不是你在旅游商店里找到的乐器!” 埃利斯很快就注意到了。他的 38 英寸爪哇锣的深沉共鸣让人想起无价的音乐会三角钢琴上最低的“A”音符之一。他调谐的坦克系列的清晰和复杂的泛音以及他的指钹、chan chans、gankoguis 和 kharkharbas 代表了几十年来由一位真正的金耳朵打击乐大师精心挑选和挑选的乐器。
太鼓组的重量和力量会激起任何想要为音乐注入活力的人的灵魂。将印度 Nagara 和 Madal 鼓添加到埃及框架鼓、阿拉伯 darboukas 和非洲 djembes 中,创造出充满色彩和个性的最充满活力的律动。Greg Ellis 打击乐的独特之处在于他结合了来自世界不同地区的乐器,他根据音色而不是地理将各种鼓、锣、金属和振动器结合在一起。这种绝对非传统主义的方法将 Cinematic Percussion 与典型的“民族打击乐”库区分开来。


精心编排打击乐Cinematic Percussion 旨在适用于任何需要大师级音乐家的动感、栩栩如生的人类律动的音乐风格。埃利斯特别指出,“这个库的灵感来自我在电影中的工作,它的应用适用于所有形式的音乐,因为它的自然感觉和其中的人为因素。”
使用这个庞大的乐器、音频循环和 MIDI 律动集合,通过 SampleTank 的 Cinematic Percussion 为您的音乐添加一些奥斯卡®获奖的深度。


1 混合

40 乐器
20″ 不丹锣
32″ 中国锣
38″ 爪哇宫
Big Hits
Chan Chans
Cinematic Shakers
Darbuka 1
Darbuka 2
Darbuka 3
电影的Perc 84bpm_LP
电影的Perc 86bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 90bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 104bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 110bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 120bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 128bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 140bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 144bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 160bpm_LP


超过 2,000 个样本
400 个模式
166 个音频循环

A Producer’s Treasure Chest of Sounds, Loops and Patterns
The sounds of Hollywood’s best
The epic, authentic sounds of blockbuster Hollywood movies is now available for SampleTank. Cinematic Percussion brings you the actual instruments used in “Argo,” the Academy Awards® 2012 Best Picture, “Godzilla” (2014), “Transformers: Age of Extinction,” “Iron Man,” “Watchmen”, “300,” “The Underworld” series, “The Matrix” series, “Dawn of the Dead” (2004) and many more. And more than just the sounds, you get original performances by the musician who played on these and over 100 other films: master percussionist, Greg Ellis.
Cinematic Percussion is really a producer’s dream toolbox loaded with a flexible collection of audio loops recorded at 10 different source tempos, a separate collection of MIDI patterns performed by both Greg and the IK sound design team and course a deep treasure chest of playable single-hit instruments recorded in the SampleTank style using multiple velocities and round robin techniques.
The library was recorded at Ellis’ private studio in the Hollywood Hills employing his personal, custom instrument collection that contains over 300 drums from the traditional to the esoteric.
Only the best microphones and preamps were used to capture these one-of-a-kind instruments not only in super-clean high-fidelity but also to preserve and reproduce each piece’s unique character and personality.
Far from a typical “ethnic percussion” library
Ellis has traveled the world and met with artisans of many cultures to find the most special instruments. “These are NOT the instruments you find in a tourist shop!” Ellis is quick to note. The deep resonance his 38” Javanese Gong reminds one of the lowest “A” note on a priceless concert grand piano. The clarity and complex harmonics of his tuned tank collection along with his finger cymbals, chan chans, gankoguis and kharkharbas is representative of instruments carefully sought out and chosen over decades by a true percussion master with golden ears.
The weight and power of the taiko drum set will stir the soul of anyone looking to energize their music. Add Indian Nagara and Madal drums to Egyptian frame drums to Arabic darboukas and African djembes to create the most vibrant grooves full of color and personality.
What makes the Greg Ellis percussion sound unique is his combining of instruments from different parts of the world where he brings together various drums, gongs, metals and shakers based on timbre rather than on geography. This decidedly non-traditionalist approach is what separates Cinematic Percussion from a typical “ethnic percussion” library.

My approach is to orchestrate my drums – and this is why I keep getting called back for more film work – using the frequency range of each drum to fit together like an orchestra.

Greg Ellis

Orchestrated percussion for any style
Cinematic Percussion is designed to work for any style of music where a kinetic, life-like, human groove from a master musician is desired. Ellis specifically notes, “This library has been inspired by my work in film, by it’s application is meant for all forms of music because of its natural feel and the human element in there.”
Use this vast collection of instruments, audio loops and MIDI grooves to add some Oscar®-winning depth to your music with Cinematic Percussion for SampleTank.


1 Mix
Cinematic Percussion

40 Instruments
20″ Bhutan Gong
32″ China Gong
38″ Java Gong
Big Hits
Chan Chans
Cinematic Shakers
Cinematic Tambourines
Cinematic Toms
Darbuka 1
Darbuka 2
Darbuka 3
Djembes and Darbukas
Frame Drums
Gongs 1
Gongs 2
Harvested Hits
Kendang Drums
Madal Drums
Metal Percussion
Nagara Drums
Scuba Tank Bells
Suspended Cymbals
Taiko Drums
Taiko Large
Taiko Medium
Cinematic Perc 84bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 86bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 90bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 104bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 110bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 120bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 128bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 140bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 144bpm_LP
Cinematic Perc 160bpm_LP

Library size:

Over 2,000 Samples
400 Patterns
166 Audio Loops

This release has been exclusively provided to AudioZ by our member who wishes to remain anonymous.

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