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打字机音效 – echo collective Burroughs Protectograph Kontakt



我们在整个过程中使用了三个透视图——前面的按键,后面的冲孔和一个非常适合bgfx放置的宽透视图。前面和后面的麦克风是Schoeps CMC6。MK4和宽麦克风是4050在5英尺外的泛光灯。听直接的例子清楚地说明了我们从这台机器中得到的声音类型,而弯曲的例子说明了用这些声音和Kontakt乐器可以做什么。





每个发音10 +表演

13个Kontakt .nki文件(解锁)



The Burroughs corporation has been around since 1886, and was an early force in the adding machine, check stamper and typewriter industries. The Burroughs Protectograph that we acquired was manufactured around the turn of the 20th century and had a single unique function – to stamp and emboss checks for banks. This version had an electric mechanism that would move large printheads down through a ribbon and would stamp a check hard and repeatedly for as long as the print key was held down. Our machine was acquired in perfect working condition.

Its keys have a short through but a satisfying clack, and the punch mechanism is a huge whir stamp sound than can cycle if the punch button is held down. We rolled with the case both on and off, which revealed very different sounds from the main electric mechanisms.

We ran the whole session with three perspectives miked up – front by the keys, in the back by the punch and a wide perspective perfect for bgfx placement. The front and back mics were Schoeps CMC6.MK4 and the wide mic was an AT 4050 in omni about 5 feet away. Listen to the straight examples give a clear accounting of the type of sounds we got from this machine, and the bent examples show what can really be done with those sounds and the Kontakt instrument.

Full Collection:

24 bit 96k metadata tagged wav files

3 mic perspectives of each performance

10 unique articulation groups

10 + performances per articulation

13 Kontakt .nki files (unlocked)

photographs and video stills

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