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立体声总线压缩器 – Black Box Analog Design HG-2 v1.3 [WiN](36Mb)

Black Box Analog Design HG-2插件已包含在这套效果器内:

插件联盟效果器全套 – Plugin Alliance Complete v2020 [WiN,Mac] 含安装教程

插件联盟效果器全套 – Plugin Alliance Complete 2.14.2019 WIN MAC


Plugin Alliance 和 Black Box 在 NAMM 上放出了 HG-2 插件,但当时还没有 Demo 可以使用,所以吊足了大家的胃口。现在 HG-2 终于正式发布了,来自一款非常高端的混音硬件产品,这也是第一次在插件上进行模拟。

Black Box Analog Design HG-2 的设计灵感是由混音工程师 Eric Racy,他想要在总线上整一个没有偏差的电子管音色,并且可以进行控制。HG-2 是一个所有混音工程师都想要的设备,它可以让你对阈值的效果有好的控制。多重立体声处理和分离式电路步进让你的音轨更加丰富和饱满,他们也会让音轨在同样的峰值下听起来更大声,冲击力更大。除此之外 HG-2 还有一个失真模块,可以增加附带的旋律性润色,并且在没有让其他音色妥协的情况下让作用的音轨更加突出,当然可以用更加用力的失真效果完全改变声音的特性。



HG-2 提供了 4 种不同的真空管类型和并行电路让你对音频进行润色,能够提供各种各样的润色。独立的 6U8A 三极管和五极真空管增益控制让你可以顺滑的控制插件的输入/输出的声音暖度,同时 Density 密度参数可以让你加载更多的电子管作用却不会影响它们之间的相互平衡,让声音更加具有具有电子管的味道。Calibration 菜单模拟了 HG-2 硬件内部的输入信号调节,能够马上带来 HG-2 的高频反馈,制造更加黑暗或者明亮的润色。额外的 Air 旋钮能够让你控制高频的点缀效果器平衡,帮助你点亮人声、弦乐、钢琴甚至是所有的音轨。拉下 Mix 控制参数则会增加干声信号的输出,结合 HG-2 美丽的电子管软度和润色剂,为你的作品增加细节和冲击力。


HG-2 插件内置两个 12AX7 电子管,但每个声音却有所不同,可以同时被并行失真电路驱动,为信号的高频、低音或者全频段增加过载失真的特性,让声音更加明亮,特别适合用来塑造不同音轨的声音、声音设计以及增加整个作品的能量。失真电路输出直接对三极管和五极真空管进行补偿,让你可以结合各种不同的效果,把原本完全数字的声音变成肥厚的模拟音质。

每种电子管的声音润色都不大相同,每个轨道可以使用不同的润色方式,HG-2 可以满足对于电子管的任何需求,让你的世界具有色彩。


Meet your mix bus’ best friend: The Black Box Analog Design HG-2.

There’s good reason why celebrated mix engineers like Dave Pensado, Bob Horn, and Jack Douglas use the high-end Black Box Analog Design HG-2 tube processor on their mixes. The boutique stereo processor’s multiple, diverse tube circuits not only make tracks sound richer and fuller, they also make them sound louder, bigger and punchier at the same peak level. Much more than a mere distortion box, the HG-2 can impart subtle harmonic coloration and sparkle without compromising fidelity, or add brilliant saturation that totally changes the character of a sound.

Now you can have that lush and vibrant sound in the Black Box HG-2 plugin. Brainworx collaborated with Black Box to model the HG-2’s sweet tubes and creamy-sounding transformers, and then added a host of powerful digital mods to greatly expand the processor’s tonal palette and range of saturation-based compression.

Paint Tracks with Different Colors

A smorgasbord of assorted tube flavors, HG-2 emulates four different vacuum tube stages combined in series and parallel circuits to color your mix and individual tracks with a wide range of rich and varied harmonics. Separate gain controls for emulated 6U8A pentode and triode tubes are placed in series between buttery virtual transformers warming the plugin’s input and output.

Dial in the perfect blend of pentode and triode tube sweetness, then adjust the Density control to drive both tubes harder without changing their relative balance or the plugin’s output level, adding more girth and mass. The Calibration menu emulates the effect of an internal trim adjustment in the original hardware unit, instantly modifying the HG-2’s high-frequency response to produce Dark, Normal or Bright coloration.

An added Air knob lets you control how much high-frequency fairy dust you sprinkle on vocal tracks, string instruments, piano and full mixes. Turning down the Mix control adds back dry signal at the plugin’s output, combining HG-2’s beautiful tube softness and luster with your mix’s perfectly preserved detail and punch.

It Gets Nasty, Too!

Two virtual 12AX7 tubes—each voiced differently—can be alternately driven in a parallel Saturation circuit to add tube sheen or blistering overdrive distortion to just low or high frequencies or across the entire frequency spectrum—great for shaping individual tracks, creative sound design and adding energy to full mixes.

The Saturation circuit’s output feeds the pentode and triode tubes, giving you a massive combined effect that transforms thin, digital tracks into fat analog beasts. Drench just the bass and low-midrange frequencies in the Saturation circuit to grow a beard on a sterile bass track or add massive body and weight to a kick drum.

Crank the pentode gain and dial in some crunchy AX7 tube saturation to make rock guitars sound bigger, louder, richer and in-your-face. Broaden a thin-sounding singer’s low-midrange band with extra pentode gain, and push the triode tube and Air boost to make their track sparkle and shimmer.

Every type of tube colors sound differently. Every track and mix needs different coloration. HG-2 lets you create the perfect blend of tubes for the best-sounding mixes and individual tracks. Color your world.

Team R2R Note:



Q) Did Plugin Alliance change the protection

A) The first big change happened between All Bundle v3.0 and v3.1. Before
v3.1, there are no antidebug, antitamper, antirebuild things. There were
just C&R protection using SHA256/RSA2048/RC4/BASE64.

From v3.1, PA adopted protector which we call PA-Layer. (To be honest we
don’t know the actual name of that protector. It looks different from the
popular cross platfrom protectors like VMProtect).

PA-Layer function :

* Packer (Section Encryption)
* Code Obfuscation + Virtualization
* Anti Debugging
* Anti Tampering

We developed custom loader for the Anti PA-Layer and released in short
term (v3.1, last PA full bundle for public till now). But PA updated
the protection immediately for Anti-Anti PA-Layer. Anyway, it is just a
small change. Maybe they would update the protection again after a while.


Q) Why did some plugins continue to be cracked

A) PA-Layer is adopted to the plugins developed by Plugin Alliance
(Brainworx) self. 3rd party plugins like Lindell, Unfiltered are not
protected by PA-Layer.


Q) What the bad point of PA-Layer Is it removed from R2R release

A) Slow loading time, performance affection. If you want to compare the
performance, compare the latest one with the one from PA All Bundle v3.0.

Load many plugins -> Save Project -> Close DAW -> Reload It!

You can notice the big difference between them.

Unlike our full rebuilt iLok releases, PA-Layer is still there in our
releases and you will have any bad points of PA plugins.

Enjoy the unprofessional behavior of the professional plugins!


Q) Why AAX got cracked and appeared beside the VST version
Is AAX protected weaker than other plugin platform

A) Yes, AAX is protected much weaker. While core protection (C&R and related
crypto) is still obfuscated/virtualized in AAX. We guess this is because
AAX needs digital signature by Avid, and some integrations of PA-Layer
conflict with it.

NOTE : AAX Crack by VR will crash randomly due to the bad bomb dealing.
It delays the crashing but it still crashes by some random seeds
(time64) and working time.


Q) How long does it take to crack all plugins

A) Just imagine yourself –
Generate, Test custom loaders for VST2/VST3/x86/x64, for 90 products.


Q) I thought R2R was paid by Plugin Alliance to stop cracking.

A) We thought you were paid to complain R2R.

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