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人声音源 – Realitone Realivox Blue KONTAKT Player Version

Realitone Realivox Blue KONTAKT Player Version | 1.86 Gb


唱歌到“ ee”中的“ s”听起来与唱歌到“ oo”中的“ s”听起来不同。(自己尝试。听自己的“ s”听起来会如何变化,取决于元音。)因此,每个辅音分别记录每个元音进出的声音。有两个半个八度的“ k”样本(32个样本)进入“ ah”。另外有32个“ k”样本变为“ eh”。依此类推。对于每个辅音,每个元音有六组。

当我们记录结尾辅音(完全分开的样本)时,我们注意到,如果只是将结尾辅音样本拍到元音样本的末尾,听起来并不正确。歌手的嘴巴张开的方式会有所不同,具体取决于他们要使用的辅音。因此,我们不仅采样了192个结尾的“ t”个辅音(6个元音乘以每个元音32个样本),而且还记录了通入每个辅音的闭合元音。换啊。为了for。还有ee还有哦哦恩

因此,当您玩“和平”游戏时,您将总共触发四个采样。首先是专门带有“ e”的“ p”样本。然后您不会听到任何“ ee”,但实际上您会得到“ p”之后的“ ee”。(您的耳朵会知道我们是否尝试欺骗并使用常规的“ ee”。)然后您会听到闭合的“ ee”的毫秒数,该毫秒会导致“ s”。最后是“ s”。带有“ ee”元音的结尾“ s”。

这就是为什么Realivox Blue是12,000个样本的原因。我们所了解的其他人声库在追求逼真的人声表演方面没有深入。

我们对所有六个元音以及“ mm”采样了连奏间隔。(我们发现嗡嗡声是一个特别有用的表达方式。)不仅是六个/七个元音,而且还有从oo到ee的特殊转换。当您从oo唱歌到ee时,过渡中将出现“ w”。 (尝试一下,您会听到我的意思。)所以我们有“ oowee”连奏样本。还有“ oowah”,“ ooweh”,“ eeyoh”等等。


无论您是想让她浓浓一点,还是想创建合奏的声音,只需打开Voice 2和Voice 3即可开始业务。无需打开第二或第三条双打或三重奏。我们使它变得容易。如果您不希望歌手过于完美地进行同步,则可以进行音量,声相,音调和音色设置,以及延迟偏移。


It starts with the voice. Blue is my go-to singer when I want that ultra-pretty tone. Check out the audio demos and see if you don’t agree. Six vowels and 23 consonants give you the tools to create your own words and phrases. But we went deeper than just sampling a bunch of vowels and consonants. Way deeper.

An “s” singing into an “ee” sounds different from an “s” singing into an “oo.” (Try it yourself. Listen to how your own “s” will sound different, depending on the vowel.) So each consonant was recorded separately going in and out of each vowel. There are two and a half octaves of “k” samples (32 samples) that go into “ah.” Another 32 of “k” into “eh.” And so on. For each consonant, that’s six sets for each vowel.

When we recorded the ending consonants (completely separate samples), we noticed that it doesn’t sound quite right if you just slap an end consonant sample onto the end of a vowel sample. A singer’s mouth closes differently, depending on which consonant they’re going to. So we sampled not only 192 ending “t” consonants (6 vowels times 32 samples per vowel), but we also recorded the closing vowel sounds leading into each consonant. For ah. And for eh. And ee. And oh. And oo. And uh.

So when you play “Peace,” you’ll be triggering four samples altogether. First is the “p” sample that specifically with “e.” Then you won’t hear just any “ee,” but you’ll actually get the “ee” that comes after “p.” (Your ear would know if we tried to cheat and use a regular “ee” instead.) Then you’ll hear a few milliseconds of a closing “ee” that would lead into “s.” And then finally, the “s”. A closing “s” that specifically goes with an “ee” vowel..

This is why Realivox Blue is 12,000 samples. No other vocal library that we know of has gone this deep in the quest for realistic vocal performances.

True Sampled Legato:
We sampled legato intervals for all six vowels, as well as for “mm.” (We find humming to be a particularly useful articulation.) Not just the six/seven vowels, but also the special transitions betweem say, oo to ee. When you sing from oo, to ee, there will be a “w” in the transition. (Try it yourself and you’ll hear what I mean.) So we have “oowee” legato samples. And “oowah.” And “ooweh.” And “eeyoh.” And on and on.
Then we spent months editing and balancing to get the legato as smooth as we could make it.

Polyphonic Legato:
We believe this is the simplest and most intuitive polyphonic legato there is. There’s only one knob, and you’ll probably never even touch it. You just play. Check out the videos to see how easy it is.

Ensemble Mode:
Whether you want to thicken her a bit, or whether you want to create an ensemble sound, simply turn on Voice 2 and Voice 3 and you’re in business. No need to open a second or third track for doubles or triples. We make it easy. There are volume, pan, tuning and timbre settings, as well as delay offset, if you don’t want the singers too perfectly in sync..


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