Rumba Boxes 是由樂器大師巴特霍普金 (Bart Hopkin) 構思的大型木制貝斯 kalimbas 的創意分類。該圖書館擁有 2 種獨特的手工制作樂器,具有令人難忘的形狀和機制。它們具有豐富的原聲本質,通過每個音符發出明亮的回響。我們提供了廣泛的可玩發音、聲音設計紋理、打擊墊、無人機和多種麥克風選項,爲您提供新鮮的音樂靈感。
Rumba Box 是加勒比地區英語中用于bass kalimba 的名稱。通常,玩家坐在盒子上,伸手伸入雙腿之間以拔出尖齒。大多數是彩色的,尖齒由彈簧回火鋼棒或棒制成。一些音叉已被重新塑造,以調整最突出的泛音相對于基音的調音,使音質更加連貫。有些在尖齒上有撥浪鼓。撥浪鼓帶出重新調整的泛音并賦予音調獨特的邊緣。 Rumba Box 包括彈撥、撥片和打擊樂。
Arby McCone 是一個 rumba-box/cajón/percussion-gadgetry 組合。最初它隻是一個倫巴盒,但它也可以很好地用作卡洪——一個木盒,在各種手部打擊樂下聽起來都很好。 Arby 得到了尖齒中的交感共鳴的幫助,這極大地豐富了某些類型的打擊樂。巴特霍普金随後附加了更多打擊樂的聲音制造者,包括彈簧安裝的金屬聲音和克拉夫聲音、shekere 型珠子、振動器、響鈴和幾個鈴铛。這東西玩起來真的很好玩。 Arby McCone 包括彈撥、木槌、敲擊敲擊、敲擊、拍擊和各種輔助打擊樂。
我們通過兩個立體聲麥克風位置忠實地采樣了我們可以從這些樂器中獲得的每一種有趣的聲音。還包括多種自定義 FX 預設和大量我們标志性的聲音設計環境内容,這些内容由原始聲源制作而成,爲您提供完全的創作自由。
Kontakt 界面包括一套自動化就緒的聲音整形控件,爲您提供全面的創作靈活性。您可以控制膨脹、起音、釋放、偏移、顫音、過濾器、音高(粗和細)、清晰度切換、交叉淡入淡出和分層等等。我們還包括 20 個獨特的聲音設計自定義 FX 預設,爲您提供許多創意選項。
該庫帶有自适應 LFO 系統,具有可選擇的 LFO 形狀、調制目标參數、速度、強度、速度同步和淡入時間。您還可以應用您選擇的 12 個低通、高通和 FX 濾波器,以及可分配的調制目标,例如力度、調制輪、表情、觸後、鍵位置和步進音序器表控制。我們可定制的琶音器提供速度表和對 arp 方向、時間、擺動、随機化和持續時間的控制。我們包含了一個鍵和音階鎖定系統,可将您的音符限制在常見的音階和鍵上,以便輕松進行旋律創作和現場表演。
該接口由我們的模塊化 FX 機架面闆完善,具有 18 個不同的 DSP 效果模塊,您可以按照您希望的任何順序分配到 10 個可用插槽中的任何一個。您會發現經典的移相器、鑲邊、延遲、失真、放大器和駕駛室模拟器、壓縮器、均衡器、旋轉器等等。混響效果包括我們最喜歡的卷積混響脈沖響應,包括 99 個不同的房間、大廳、房間和室外環境,以及另外 40 個自定義 FX 脈沖,以從根本上改變聲音并打開全新的音樂世界。我們添加了大量 FX 機架鏈工廠預設來幫助您入門!
Soundiron Hopkin Instrumentarium: Rumba Boxes KONTAKT 截圖Soundiron Hopkin Instrumentarium: Rumba Boxes KONTAKT 截圖産品規格:
– 4 個主預設和 20 個自定義聲音設計的 FX 和環境預設
– 2 個獨特的手工制作的倫巴盒,每個盒都有 2 個麥克風位置
– 彈撥、撥片、手擊、輔助打擊
– 24 位、48 kHz 立體聲無損 NCW 格式
– 13,719 個立體聲采樣
– 已安裝 7.13 GB
– 由 Native Instruments 爲免費的 Kontakt Player(版本 6+)、Komplete Kontrol、所有 S 系列鍵盤和 NKS 軟件和硬件制作
– 與 Kontakt “Libraries”浏覽器和 Native Access 配合使用
需要 Native Instruments Kontakt Player 或 Kontakt FULL v6.1.1 及更高版本!
Rumba Boxes is a creative assortment of large wooden bass kalimbas from the mind of master instrument inventor Bart Hopkin. This library features 2 unique handcrafted instruments with memorable shapes and mechanics. They have a richly acoustic essence that resounds brightly through each note. We’ve included a wide spectrum of playable articulations, sound-design textures, pads, drones, and multiple microphone options to give you fresh musical inspiration.
Rumba Box is a name used in the English-speaking Caribbean for bass kalimba. Typically the player sits on the box, reaching down between his legs to pluck the tines. Most are chromatic, with tines made of spring-tempered steel rods or bars. Some tines have been reshaped to adjust the tuning of the most prominent overtone relative to the fundamental, making a more coherent tone quality. Some have rattles on the tines. The rattles bring out the re-tuned overtone and give a distinctive edge to the tone. Rumba Box includes plucks, picks, and percussion.
Arby McCone is a rumba-box/cajón/percussion-gadgetry agglomeration. Originally it was just a rumba box, but it also worked very nicely as a cajón — a wooden box made to sound good under a variety of hand-percussion strokes. Arby is aided by sympathetic resonance in the tines, which greatly enriches certain kinds of percussion strokes. Bart Hopkin then attached more percussive sound-makers, including spring-mounted metallic sounds & clave sounds, shekere-type beads, shakers, rattletines, and a couple of bells. This thing is really fun to play. Arby McCone includes plucks, mallets, percussive taps, knocks, slaps, and a variety of aux percussion.
We’ve faithfully sampled every interesting sound we could get out of these instruments, with two stereo mic positions. Also included is a wide selection of custom FX presets and plenty of our signature sound designed ambient content, crafted from the raw acoustic source to give you complete creative freedom.
The Kontakt interface includes a suite of automation-ready sound-shaping controls to give you total creative flexibility. You have control over swell, attack, release, offset, vibrato, filter, pitch (coarse & fine), articulation switching, cross-fading and layering, and so much more. We’ve also included 20 unique sound-designed custom FX presets to give you lots of creative options.
This library comes with an adaptable LFO system, with selectable LFO shape, modulation target parameter, speed, intensity, tempo-syncing and fade-in time. You can also apply your choice of 12 lowpass, high-pass and FX filters, with assignable modulation targets such as velocity, modwheel, expression, after-touch, key position and step-sequencer table control. Our customizable arpeggiator offers a velocity table and control over arp direction, timing, swing, randomization and duration. We’ve included a key and scale lock system to constrain your notes to common scales and keys for easy melodic composition and live performance.
The interface is rounded-out by our modular FX rack panel, with 18 different DSP effect modules that you can assign in any of 10 available slots, in any order that you wish. You’ll find classic phaser, flanger, delay, distortion, amp and cab simulators, compressors, EQ, rotator and so much more. The Reverb effect includes our favorite convolution reverb impulse responses, including 99 different rooms, halls, chambers and outdoor environments, plus another 40 custom FX impulses to radically transform the sound and open up whole new worlds of musical possibility. We’ve added a great bank of FX rack chain factory presets to get you started!
Product Specs:
– 4 Master presets and 20 Custom Sound-Designed FX and Ambient presets
– 2 Unique Hand-crafted Rumba Boxes each with 2 mic positions
– Plucks, picks, hand percussion, aux percussion
– 24-bit, 48 kHz Stereo Lossless NCW Format
– 13,719 Stereo Samples
– 7.13 GB Installed
– Made for the free Kontakt Player (version 6+), Komplete Kontrol, all S-Series Keyboards and NKS software and hardware by Native Instruments
– Works with the Kontakt “Libraries” browser and Native Access
Requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v6.1.1 and higher!
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