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保加利亚民族合唱团 – Strezov Sampling RHODOPE 2 Ethnic Bulgarian Choir KONTAKT (Player Edition)

Update: August 3rd 2020 | KONTAKT – 4,11 GB


接下来的是RHODOPE 2保加利亚民族合唱团。

经过3年多的发展,Strezov Sampling的下一代合唱团系列的最后一章即将到来。从WOTAN开始,最低的,可能是最强大的男性合唱团的样本,FREYJA -第一个样本的合唱团集中在美丽的女性声音,ARVA以一个男孩和女孩的合唱团,RHODOPE 2给你一个真正的真正的保加利亚民族合唱团在你的手指!一个惊人的和独特的声音音色采样Strezov最高的可玩性和表达式没有任何妥协的声音。


3.5 Syllabuilder引擎
phrasebuilding wordbuilding的高级编辑功能。



洛多佩2的一个最大的商标是其独特的连奏的脚本、复调真的连奏的抽样结合我们自己Syllabuilding方法。音节里尔德敏捷连奏不仅允许用户玩连奏与每个音节在图书馆可用,但也具有智能语音领导使复音写作在一个patch。换句话说:按住左边的和弦,发挥用右手旋律和拥有一切与连奏的转换。这种强大的特性是可控的最常见的所有midi cc控制器,维持踏板。

除了灵活的连奏,Rhodope 2再次具有多音真实连奏补丁(啊,Eh)使用相同的原则,就像Freyja和Arva。

– 3种不同速度的10个音节的灵活连奏
– 3麦克风位置-关闭,台卡,大厅+自定义卷积混响
-完全兼容Wotan, Freyja和Arva
-以精彩的宇宙之声表演为特色,由Vanya Moneva指挥


需要本地工具Kontakt播放器或Kontakt v5.7.1和更高!



Starting from July 20 we are proud to announce that all of our Next Generation Choir Series products will be encoded for the Free Kontakt Player as well as powered by the NKS Control Standard. In addition to that every choir will receive one major free update adding Performance Patches as well as new features and small improvements over the next weeks. Each week will see a different choir in the spotlight.

Next up in line is RHODOPE 2 Ethnic Bulgarian Choir.

Being in development for more than 3 years, the final chapter of Strezov Sampling’s Next Generation Choir Series is at hand. Starting with WOTAN, the lowest and probably most powerful men choir ever sampled, FREYJA – the first sampled choir to focus on the beauty of the female voice, and ÁRVA featuring a boys’ and girls’ choir, RHODOPE 2 gives you a real authentic ethnic Bulgarian choir at your fingertips! A breathtaking and unique voice timbre sampled the Strezov way for highest playability and expression without any compromises in sound.

Including the revolutionary Syllabuilder Engine (first introduced with WOTAN), True Polyphonic Legato as well as the brand new Agile Legato, which allows you to play polyphonic legato with every syllable inside the library, RHODOPE 2 benefits from every little secret discovered in a more than 4 years long journey which resulted in the most playable and realistic sounding choir libraries ever made.

Syllabuilder Engine 3.5
When it comes to virtual choirs, there are basically two approaches: Phrasebuilding and Wordbuilding. RHODOPE 2 combines the simplicity and sample recording of
phrasebuilding with the advanced editing functions of wordbuilding.

This allows you to have amazing sounding results within seconds, but also to build and create new sample content with only a few mouse-clicks. Create complete choral patterns inside the GUI or connect different syllables and morph them to add motion to your choir arrangements. Save and Load complete lyric presets to quickly get yourself into the actual composition or enhance your setup with predefined quick words.

All samples have their natural attacks included. However, if you want to tighten them up, the Syllabuilder Engine allows you to set custom attack, release, volume and offset values for each field independently. Something first introduced by WOTAN Male Choir and before that – greatly missed in all phrasebuilding choir libraries.

Revolutionary Legato
One of the biggest trademarks of RHODOPE 2 is its unique legato scripting, combining polyphonic true legato sampling with our very own Syllabuilding approach. The Syllabuilder Agile Legato not only allows the user to play legato with every syllable available in the library, but also features intelligent voice leading enabling polyphonic writing within just one patch. In other words: Hold down a chord in the left, play a melody with your right hand and have it all connected with legato transitions. This powerful feature is controllable by the most common of all midi cc controllers, the sustain pedal.

In addition to the Agile Legato, Rhodope 2 again also features polyphonic true legato patches (Ah, Eh ) using the same principles as Freyja and Árva.

– Authentic Ethnic Bulgarian choir recorded in Sofia Session Studio
– Recorded “tutti” for a bigger sound
– Polyphonic True Legato “Ah” and “Eh” patches
– Agile Legato for 10 syllables in three different speeds
– Special layer of ‘shake’ sustain singing for all patches
– Cluster and FX patches
– Additional content for whispers and shouts
– Sustain (1xRR) and Staccato (2xRR) samples
– 3 mic positions – Close, Decca, Hall + custom convolution reverb
– The powerful Syllabuilder engine 3.0 with CONNECT and MORPH modes that allow you to create your own sample content within Kontakt
– Ability to Load and Save your lyrics, built-in preset manager
– Fully compatible with Wotan, Freyja and Árva
– Integrated manual
– Features the wonderful performance of Cosmic Voices, conducted by Vanya Moneva

- Full NKS and Kontakt Player Support
- Update to the latest version of Syllabuilder engine with the latest functions
- Powerful Performance patch based on the engine of the one in Storm Choir Ultimate
- Velocity Dynamic Influencer
- Panning and stereo spread controls on each microphone position
- Advanced options for the Legato patches (niente, sustain pedal notes, remapping of controls)
- GUI changes
- Updated in-patch Manual
- Minor tweaks and improvements

Requires Native Instruments Kontakt Player or Kontakt FULL v5.7.1 and higher!

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