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六角手风琴 – Guareschi The Bandoneon Kontakt

Kontakt | 625Mb

Bandoneón 是一种流行于阿根廷和乌拉圭的六角手风琴。 它在探戈管弦乐团 Orquesta típica 中扮演着重要的角色。

这首特别的手风琴由著名作曲家吉列尔莫·瓜雷斯基 (Guillermo Guareschi) 在阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯录制。

需要完整零售版的 Kontakt 4.2+。 只能在演示模式下使用免费的 Kontakt Player。


空气声音的音量(3x Round Robin)
击键音量(7x 循环)
从 -100 到 +100 分微调。
拖动并选择 5 种不同卷积混响的界面控制


这是一款“Premier”手风琴,声音甜美且富有表现力。 一个诺伊曼麦克风负责左手的音域,其中生成所有低音音符,再加上一个额外的带状麦克风来处理非常低的频率。

右手由改良的 SE A5600 II 电子管麦克风捕捉,并设置 AKG 来记录录音空间的自然高屋顶氛围。


录音均以 24 位 48Khz 录制,每个音符均以 9 个不同发音的 3 个力度级别(钢琴、中强、强音)进行采样

样本数量:530(WAV 24bit,48,000Hz)


The Bandoneón is a type of concertina popular in Argentina and Uruguay. It plays an essential role in the orquesta típica, the tango orchestra.

This particular Bandoneón was recorded in Buenos Aires, Argentina by the renowned composer Guillermo Guareschi.

Full retail version of Kontakt 4.2+ required. Will only work in demo mode with the free Kontakt Player.


The volume of the air sound (3x Round Robin)
The volume of the keyclick (7x Round Robin)
Fine Tuning from -100 to +100 cent.
Drag and select interface control for 5 different convolution reverbs
The volume of the reverb mix from zero to drenched
Switch buttons to toggle various articulations on or off
Spread control to dynamically adjust the stereo spread

Recording Process

It is a “Premier” Bandoneón with a sweet and expressive sound. One Neumann microphone was in charge of register for the left hand where all the bass notes are generated plus an additional ribbon microphone that handled the very low frequencies.

The right hand was captured by a modified SE A5600 II tube microphone and an AKG was set to record the natural high roof ambience of the recording space.

All the microphones were connected to vintage Telefunken preamplifiers that delivered the signal directly without any console or black box in the chain.

The recordings were all made at 24 bits 48Khz and each note was sampled with 3 velocity levels (piano, mezzo-forte, forte) across 9 different articulations

Download Size: 790MB
Extracted Size: 810MB
No. of samples: 530 (WAV 24bit, 48,000Hz)

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