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创新均衡器插件 Plugin Boutique Scaler EQ 1.1.2 Win/MacOS

File size: 30 MB/68.73 MB

继屡获殊荣的Scaler音乐理论插件,Scaler EQ提供了一个显着的新方式与音乐性和色彩EQ。

通过在你的歌曲中增强音调频率,减少音调频率,Scaler EQ可以提供一个新的旋转与切割和提升工作,增加你的音乐背后的调性,并提供新的谐波途径。

而当你只是想要一个常规的,功能齐全的,现代的EQ, Scaler EQ有你覆盖与它熟悉的工作流程,大量选择波段类型,中/侧操作,动态波段,峰值限制器和立体声增强。您可以轻松地应用专业人士使用的经典混音和掌握技术,并提供额外的可选音乐优势………

•macOS 10.14或更高版本


Following on from the award-winning Scaler music theory plugin, Scaler EQ offers a remarkable new way to EQ with musicality and colour.

By enhancing only note frequencies in key with your song, and reducing only note frequencies that aren’t, Scaler EQ can provide a new spin on working with cuts and boosts, increasing the tonality behind your music and providing new harmonic avenues.

And for when you just want a regular, fully-featured, modern EQ, Scaler EQ has you covered with its familiar workflow, large choice of band types, mid/side operation, dynamic bands, peak limiters, and stereo enhancement. You can easily apply classic mixing and mastering techniques used by professionals, with an extra optional musical edge………

Supported Operation System
• macOS 10.14 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor

• Windows

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