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功能强大的乐谱制作软件 – Presonus Notion 6.7.489 Win

一款功能强大的乐谱制作软件,Notion 包含一个新的视频窗口,新的来自 PreSonus Studio One 的效果器,一个增强的和弦库,一个定制规则编辑器,以及很多符号和发布改进。这款软件用户界面已经重新设计更接近于 Studio One 和其它 PreSonus 软件,然后 Notion  还带有 PreSonus 的原生效果限制器、压缩器以及均衡器插件。是一款非常不错的乐谱制作工具,喜欢音乐的朋友一定不要错过

Presonus Notion 6.x

以惊人的速度和直觉的概念6音乐创作和表演环境,将音乐灵感带入生活。在你想要的时间和方式作曲,甚至用你自己的笔迹谱曲。通过与Studio One®的深度集成,将项目带到下一个层次。用伦敦交响乐团和其他乐团的精美样本聆听和表演音乐。交付抛光分数比以前更快,从完整的电影管弦乐到简单的铅表和吉他标签。





概念给了你最好的回放任何符号的产品开箱即用的,包括管弦乐的无与伦比的现实主义和斯坦威样本记录由伦敦交响乐团在传说中的艾比路录音室,吉他样品由尼尔·Zaza公司由维克多Wooten低音样本,罗伊“Futureman Wooten鼓样本。所有这些都是由顶尖的工程师使用最好的设备煞费苦心地记录下来的。你会得到各种各样的动力学、发音和表演技巧。新乐器在版本6包括概念羽管键琴,湖滨管风琴和奥林巴斯微合唱团从我们的朋友在Soundiron。但这只是概念的回放功能的开始。

为Mac或Windows PC创建一个概念评分;然后继续在你的Windows平板电脑或iPad上工作。或者用你的iPhone捕捉灵感,然后转移到你的电脑上进行深度编辑。没有其他的符号软件可以做到这一点。有了iOS的概念和概念,你可以在Mac、Windows和iOS设备之间无缝地创建、发送和打开分数,并随时随地继续处理你的分数!无论你使用哪一种平台,你都可以得到高质量的回放声音。另外,概念6是一个适用于所有平台的本机64位应用程序,因此您还可以获得快速、高效和稳定的性能。

SP1 +平台更新,Windows 8.1 x64/x86, Windows 10 x64/x86
Intel Core 2 Duo或AMD®Athlon™X2处理器(Intel Core i3或AMD Athlon X4或更快推荐)*

主页- https://www.presonus.com/


Bring musical inspirations to life with the blazingly fast and intuitive Notion 6 music composition and performance environment. Compose when and how you want and even enter music with your own handwriting. Take projects to the next level with deep integration with Studio One®. Hear and perform music with gorgeous samples by the London Symphony Orchestra and others. Deliver polished scores faster than ever before, from complete film orchestrations to simple lead sheets and guitar tab.

Whether you are an instrumentalist, songwriter, composer, arranger, music educator, or student, you’ll find Notion 6 to be the easiest-to-use and best-sounding notation software on the market today. Notion 6: Redefining music notation.

New in Notion 6

The new features and enhancements in Notion 6 represent the most popular requests from the Notion user community and feedback from users of other notation platforms who are looking to make the switch.

Notable improvements include: cross-platform handwriting recognition; new layout control and features for professional score output; drag to respace measures and systems; new instruments from Soundiron; new video window controls for faster scoring to picture; the new Notion Scores library, with over 100 great works; updated Music XML support for seamless transfer with other apps; MP3 export; MIDI over ReWire for improved integration with leading digital audio workstations; and unprecedented side-by-side workflow integration with Studio One Artist or Professional on the same computer or between multiple computers on the same network.

Hear your music played by world-class musicians.
Notion gives you by far the best playback of any notation product out of the box, including the unmatched realism of orchestral and Steinway samples recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra at the legendary Abbey Road Studios, guitar samples performed by Neil Zaza, bass samples by Victor Wooten, and drum samples by Roy “Futureman” Wooten. All were painstakingly recorded by top engineers using the best equipment. You get a wide array of dynamics, articulations, and performance techniques. New instruments in version 6 include the Notion Harpsichord along with the Lakeside Pipe Organ and Olympus Micro Choir sounds from our friends at Soundiron. But that’s just the beginning of Notion’s playback features.

Your music, in the studio or on the go.
Create a score in Notion for Mac or Windows PC; then continue to work on it on your Windows tablet or iPad. Or capture inspiration on the fly with your iPhone and transfer to your computer for in-depth editing. No other notation software can do this. With Notion and Notion for iOS you can seamlessly create, send, and open scores between Mac, Windows, and iOS devices and continue to work on your score, anywhere, anytime! No matter which platform you use, you get the high-quality playback sounds for which Notion is famous. Plus Notion 6 is a native 64-bit application on all platforms, so you get fast, efficient, and stable performance too.

System requirements:
Windows® 7 x64/x86 SP1 +platform update, Windows 8.1 x64/x86, Windows 10 x64/x86
Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD® Athlon™ X2 processor (Intel Core i3 or AMD Athlon X4 or faster recommended)*
1 GB RAM (2 GB or more recommended)
8GB free hard-drive space

Home Page – https://www.presonus.com/

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