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吉他放大器 – Positive Grid BIAS AMP 2 Elite (with working ToneCloud) v2.1.2.1163 MacOS

Positive Grid BIAS AMP 2 Elite (with working ToneCloud) v2.1.2.1163 | macOS | 593 mb

偏见AMP 2是终极虚拟AMP设计师,真实地再现实际管放大器的语气和感觉,同时允许您混合和匹配组件来创建你的理想AMP。你可以使用AMP与克隆的语气真实硬件或吉他,或连接到ToneCloud®获得成千上万的定制从艺术家和录音棚安培,或上传自己的自定义音调到云上。

偏压AMP 2增加两个新的自定义AMP包到您的音色调色板。蓝调是所有关于粘干净的中增益安培,和低音带来安培和扬声器cabs,只为贝斯吉他。加上所有的自定义组件选项,你的指尖就有成千上万的自定义放大器。没有比它更好的了!偏置AMP 2代表了一场革命,在虚拟放大器设计,提供的工具,以您的最终吉他音调与您在任何地方,从工作室到舞台和回来。

对于BIAS AMP 2,我们与艺术家、工程师和录音工作室一起工作,以改善我们的放大器电路已经超级真实的触摸响应。其结果是一种全新的游戏体验,具有更强的触控响应能力和动态性。与新的管,变压器,动态音调控制和一个完全重新设计的扬声器内阁模块与多麦克风的能力,您现在有工具,以您的音调探索进一步比以往任何时候!

说到演讲者,Celestion是摇滚乐历史上最值得信赖的名字。他们的司机使用的经典歌曲和音调比任何其他制造商,和他们的冲动反应是最喜欢的吉他手从皮特索恩和斯科特亨德森乔治林奇。我们已经与Celestion合作,使他们的IR更容易使用比以往任何时候,所以你可以忘记加载单独的文件!只需选择一个自定义Celestion cab,并开始移动mics周围-偏置AMP 2做其余的。

偏压AMP 2增加两个新的自定义AMP包到您的音色调色板。蓝调是所有关于粘干净的中增益安培,和低音带来安培和扬声器cabs,只为贝斯吉他。加上所有的自定义组件选项,你的指尖就有成千上万的自定义放大器。没有比它更好的了!

偏压AMP 2功能9内置混响-从巨大的大厅到亲密的房间-完全控制他们的大小和性格。在不同的混响类型和广泛的过滤和饱和选项,偏置AMP 2有你所有的混响需要覆盖。

兼容性:OS X 10.10.5或更高版本,64位


BIAS AMP 2 is the ultimate virtual amp designer, authentically recreating the tone and feel of real tube amplifiers, while allowing you to mix and match components to create your ideal amp. You can use Amp Match to clone the tone of real hardware or a guitar track, or connect to the ToneCloud® to gain access to thousands of custom amps from artists and recording studios, or upload your own custom tones to the cloud.

BIAS AMP 2 adds two new custom amp packs to your sonic palette. Blues is all about gooey clean to mid-gain amps, and Bass brings amps and speaker cabs just for bass guitars. Add in all of the custom component options, and you have literally thousands of custom amps at your fingertips. There’s nothing else like it! BIAS AMP 2 represents a revolution in virtual amplifier design, providing the tools to take your ultimate guitar tone with you anywhere, from the studio to the stage and back again.

For BIAS AMP 2 we worked with artists, engineers and recording studios to improve the already hyper-authentic touch response of our amplifier circuits. The result is a new playing experience, with increased touch responsiveness and dynamics. With new tubes, transformer, dynamic tone control and a completely redesigned speaker cabinet module with multi-mic capability, you now have the tools to take your tone explorations further than ever before!

When it comes to speakers, Celestion is the most trusted name in the history of rock and roll. Their drivers have been used on more classic songs and tones than any other manufacturer, and their impulse responses are the favorites of guitarists ranging from Pete Thorn and Scott Henderson to George Lynch. We’ve partnered with Celestion to make their IR’s easier to use than ever before, so you can forget loading individual files! Just select a custom Celestion cab and start moving the mics around – BIAS AMP 2 does the rest.

BIAS AMP 2 adds two new custom amp packs to your sonic palette. Blues is all about gooey clean to mid-gain amps, and Bass brings amps and speaker cabs just for bass guitars. Add in all of the custom component options, and you have literally thousands of custom amps at your fingertips. There’s nothing else like it!

BIAS AMP 2 features nine built-in reverbs – ranging from huge halls to intimate rooms – with full control over their size and character. Between the different reverb types and the extensive filtering and saturation options, BIAS AMP 2 has all your reverb needs covered.

Compatibility: OS X 10.10.5 or later 64-bit

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