Team DECiBEL | 09 Jul 2021 | 9.50GB
Spitfire Studio WOODWINDS – 你的创造力,你的控制
Spitfire Studio Woodwinds 是我们重要的 Spitfire Studio Orchestra 系列中的第三个也是最后一个版本。我们的目标是创建一个令人难以置信的多功能专业干式舞台样本库,通过选择 AIR Studio One 清脆而充满活力的设置 – 比华丽的 Lyndhurst Hall 更小、更可控的空间 – 我们为我们的作曲家提供了一个木管乐器库以深度和细节捕捉每一个颗粒。
与我们的其他 Studio 库一样,我们为您提供了范围广泛的乐器——从巴松管的喉咙深处到短笛的闪闪发光的声音。通过独奏或部分表演,从丰富的发音范围中进行选择,并通过 rip、关键噪声 FX、膨胀和 sforzandi 实现音乐的细节。 Spitfire Studio Woodwinds 拥有最广泛的情感表现和敏锐的细节,将为您的管弦乐队注入新的活力。
经过两年的筹备,Studio Woodwinds 是我们新 Studio 管弦库的第三部分。它拥有所有珍贵的 Spitfire 标志:伦敦一流的演奏者、最好的乐器和无与伦比的信号路径,由格莱美获奖工程师 Simon Rhodes 录制到磁带中 – 在一个非常适合捕捉颗粒细节和天鹅绒般声音的房间木管家族。与我们现有的交响乐和室内乐系列一样,我们采用了“不遗余力”的方法:关节百科全书、动态层次和循环,以实现无缝、细致入微的现实主义。
Spitfire Studio Woodwinds 将您直接带到该部分的根源以获得即时效果:11 种乐器的 143 种清晰度,包括 7 种独奏 – 全部录制到带有 Schoeps 麦克风的 Decca 树装置中。这种无与伦比的细节和控制延伸到关节,满足所有传统要求,但包括扩展技术,如多舌、Air 和 Key FX、staccatissimo 和 swells。无论您处于哪个阶段,都可以立即使用,并立即具有音乐性。
Spitfire 用户现在可以进行全面的管弦操作。我们相信 Studio Woodwinds 适合我们现有 Lyndhurst Hall 系列的用户,作为必不可少的声音替代品,适用于最广泛的音乐设置,并为您自己喜欢的混响和 FX 做好准备。凭借我们在这个库中设计的多功能性,我们毫不怀疑,Spitfire Studio Woodwinds 将在未来十年成为您音乐制作中珍贵的一部分。
Simon Rhodes 是我们全新的 Studio Orchestra 系列的不二之选——一位获得多项格莱美奖的麦克风魔术师,以及 Abbey Road Studios 的高级工程师。西蒙在电影配乐录制方面一直处于最高水平,18 年来一直是詹姆斯·霍纳 (James Horner) 的首选工程师。 《阿凡达》、《天降》和《幽灵党》等大片也采用了罗兹疗法。
“对于 Spitfire Studio Woodwinds 会议,该方法与我们对 Studio Strings 和 Brass 所做的相呼应,因此库之间完全一致。主要的 Schoeps 麦克风是相同的,我捕捉到了两种风格的现场。”如需更多麦克风位置和两个精选混音,请查看库的专业版。
~16132 样品
10.2 GB 下载大小
安装期间需要 10.20 GB 磁盘空间
Mac OS X 10.10 或更高版本,Intel Core 2 Duo
Windows 7、Windows 8 或 Windows 10(最新 Service Pack,32/64 位)Intel Core 2 Duo 或 AMD Athlon 64 X2
Kontakt 或 Kontakt Player 5.6.8 或更高版本
Spitfire Studio Woodwinds is the third and final release in our vital Spitfire Studio Orchestra range. Our ambition was to create an incredibly versatile pro-end dry stage sample library, and by choosing the crisp and vibrant setting of AIR Studio One – a smaller, more controllable space than the opulent Lyndhurst Hall – we offer our fellow composers a woodwind library that captures every grain in depth and detail.
As with our other Studio libraries, we offer you a wide range of instruments from the section – from the guttural depths of the bassoon to the gleaming sounds of the piccolo. With solo or section performances, choose from an abundant range of articulations, and realise the detail of your music with rips, key noise FX, swells, and sforzandi. Boasting the widest emotional range of performance in pin-sharp detail, Spitfire Studio Woodwinds will breathe new life in to your orchestra.
Two years in the making, Studio Woodwinds is the third section of our new Studio orchestral libraries. It has all the treasured Spitfire hallmarks: A-list London session players, the best instruments and an unparalleled signal path recorded to tape by Grammy award-winning engineer Simon Rhodes – in a room perfectly suited to capturing the granular detail and velvet sonority of the woodwind family. As with our existing symphonic and chamber ranges, we have applied a “no stone unturned” approach: an encyclopaedia of articulations, dynamic layers and round-robins for seamless, nuanced realism.
Spitfire Studio Woodwinds takes you straight to the section’s roots for instant results: 143 articulations across 11 instruments, including 7 solo – all recorded to a Decca tree rig featuring Schoeps microphones. This peerless detail and control extends to the articulations, which fulfil all the traditional requirements, but include extended techniques such as Multitongue, Air and Key FX, staccatissimo and swells. Instantly usable, and immediately musical, whatever stage you are at.
Spitfire users now have a comprehensive range of orchestral manoeuvres. We believe Studio Woodwinds suits users of our existing Lyndhurst Hall ranges as an essential sonic alternative, suitable for the widest range of musical settings and ready for your own favourite reverbs and FX. With the versatility we have engineered into this library, we have no doubt that Spitfire Studio Woodwinds will be a cherished part of your music-making over the next decade.
Recorded by Simon Rhodes
Simon Rhodes was an obvious choice for our entirely new Studio Orchestra range – a microphone magician with multiple Grammy awards to his name, and a senior engineer at Abbey Road Studios. Simon has worked at the highest level in film score recording, having been James Horner’s go-to engineer for 18 years. Blockbuster movies such as Avatar, Skyfall and Spectre have also had the Rhodes treatment.
“For the Spitfire Studio Woodwinds sessions, the approach echoes what we did with the Studio Strings and Brass, so there is complete consistency between the libraries. The main Schoeps mics were the same, and I captured two flavours of spots.” For more mic positions and two curated mixes, check out the Professional edition of the library.
~16132 SAMPLES
Mac OS X 10.10 or later, Intel Core 2 Duo
Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 10 (latest Service Pack, 32/64-bit) Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 X2
Kontakt or Kontakt Player 5.6.8 or higher