Whooshes和Transitions声音库为您带来400种专业设计的Whooshes和Transition音效! 这些广受欢迎的声音效果是音乐制作,视频,游戏,商业广告,电影和许多其他应用程序中必不可少的声音工具。 无论您是想通过大量强大的电影般的飞弹声,结巴声或细微的科幻滑动和旁通来扩展音频库,这种多样化的尖端突击,挥舞,飞越和过渡音效集合都可以 你覆盖了!
Whooshes&Transitions声音库包含821MB的高清24bit / 96khz立体声WAV文件,该文件嵌入了元数据,以加快工作流程。
Whooshes&Transitions声音库包含821MB的高清24bit / 96khz立体声WAV文件,该文件嵌入了元数据,以加快工作流程。
Whooshes & Transitions sound library brings you 400 professionally designed whooshes and transition sound effects! These sought-after sound effects are an indispensable sonic tool for usage in music production, videos, games, commercials, movies and numerous other applications. Whether you’re looking to expand your audio arsenal with those massive and powerful cinematic whooshes, stuttering ones, or subtle sci-fi swipes and pass-bys, this diverse collection of cutting edge swooshes, swishes, fly-bys and transition sound effects has you covered!
Whooshes & Transitions sound library contains 821MB of high definition 24bit/96khz Stereo WAV files embedded with metadata for a faster workflow.