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多波段压缩机/限制器 PSPaudioware PSP VintageWarmer2 v2.10.4 WIN

File size: 44.7 MB


PSP VintageWarmer2是高度灵活的,可用于软膝压缩和砖墙限制。这使得它成为混音和母带工程师必不可少的工具。

仔细注意了PSP Vintage warm的过载特性,该算法能够产生典型的模拟磁带录音机的饱和效果。PSP Vintage Warmer还结合了专业的VU和PPM计量以及准确的过载指标,从而确保专业的质量结果。

PSP VintageWarmer2版本安装程序包含3个版本的插件

PSP microwarm:提供与其同类产品相同的音质,但具有简化的单带接口和针对单个音轨优化的低延迟性能。

PSP vintagewarm (LE):原PSP vintagewarm的直接后代,具有低资源使用和延迟等优点。

PSP VintageWarmer2:其中包括我们广受好评的FAT双采样模式,甚至更准确的模拟声音处理。

我们强烈建议您在多跟踪应用程序中使用PSP vintagewarm (LE)或PSP microwarm,除非FAT模式很重要。VintageWarmer2推荐用于母版会话或处理组或母线时。


PSP VintageWarmer2 is a high-quality digital simulation of an analog-style single or multi-band compressor/limiter. It combines rich, warm analog processing with a straightforward user interface, and comes with a comprehensive library of presets.

PSP VintageWarmer2 is highly flexible and can be used for both soft-knee compression and brick-wall limiting. This makes it an essential tool for mixing and mastering engineers.

Careful attention has been paid to PSP Vintage Warmer’s overload characteristics with the algorithm being capable of generating saturation effects typical of analog tape recorders. PSP Vintage Warmer also incorporates professional VU and PPM metering together with accurate overload indicators thereby ensuring professional quality results.

PSP VintageWarmer2 version installer contains 3 versions of the plug-in

PSP MicroWarmer: Providing the same sound quality as it’s siblings, but with a simplified single-band interface and low latency performance optimized for use on individual tracks.

PSP VintageWarmer (LE): A direct descendant of the original PSP VintageWarmer, with its all strengths such as low resource usage and latency.

PSP VintageWarmer2: Which includes our acclaimed FAT double sampling mode for even more accurate analog sounding processing.

We strongly recommend that you use PSP VintageWarmer (LE) or PSP MicroWarmer in multi-tracking applications, except in situations where FAT mode is important. PSP VintageWarmer2 is recommended for use in mastering sessions or when processing groups or master busses.

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