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多频段饱和器 – Soundevice Digital Plamen v1.1 WIN

TCD | 19 September 2023 | 12.3 MB

沉闷和令人兴奋之间的区别有时可能只是饱和度。 但不仅仅是它的数量,还有它的性格。 我们相信每个频段都应该得到不同的对待,这就是我们创建 Plamen 的原因。 这种灵活的多频段饱和器可以为每个频段添加不同种类和数量的饱和度,从而产生平衡的音调,甚至可以使其并行!

Plamen 主要特点
5 个频段的音调平衡
音频中的不同频段可能具有不同的能量水平,当您在整个频谱上均匀应用饱和度时,可能会导致声音不平衡。 Plamen 允许您有选择地向不同并行级别的五个可调频率范围添加温暖和谐波,从而实现更加平衡和令人愉悦的音调特征。

使用 Plamen,您可以专注于混音中的特定元素,例如为低音频率添加温暖和丰富度,为中频添加谐波以使乐器贯穿混音,或者为高频添加光彩。 这种有针对性的增强有助于单个元素脱颖而出,并有助于形成更清晰的组合。

Plamen 可用于人声和单一乐器轨道,也可用于主轨道。 对于想要尝试和创造独特声音的声音设计师和制作人来说,它是一个出色的工具。 通过将不同的饱和度特性应用于具有不同干/湿比的不同频段,您可以创建传统饱和技术可能无法实现的有趣的纹理、谐波和音色。

尽管 Plamen 有很多旋钮,但应用饱和度非常简单。 只需选择饱和度类型,拨动乐队的输入增益,选择并行颜色添加量(MOJO)并平衡乐队的输出音量。 如果您没有获得足够的驱动,请使用 AGC Boost 为频段输入额外添加 10dB。

Plamen 为每个频段提供五种不同的饱和度类型,让您可以为音频选择完美的颜色和特性。 每个频段都可以使用三种经典的模拟前置放大器类型,模拟磁带饱和(磁性)或削波(一种饱和或失真风格,是许多深受喜爱的 AD 驱动输入类型的特征)。

此外,您还可以添加整体 Tape Wow 效果,它代表一种相对较慢的颤动形式(音高变化),您可能从老式磁带录音机中了解到这一点。

四个交叉点可以让您充分控制想要饱和的频率。 您可以选择低音、低音、中低音、中高音和高音。 分频器有两种工作模式。 您可以在线性相位或模拟 6dB/倍频程类型之间切换。

每个频段都可以独奏或静音(旁路)。 当您检查特定频段的影响,或者您只想仅向选定频段添加饱和度时,可以使用此功能。 您不仅可以使用驱动乐队的输入,还可以使用完全并行的 Mojo 或整个插件的附加并行干/湿混合! 而这一切都在线性阶段!

Plamen 凭借其 2x、4x 和 8x 过采样选项超越了一切,确保了最大的精度和原始的音频质量。 通过对音频进行过采样,您可以消除不需要的伪影和混叠,只留下水晶般清晰的专业级结果。

Plamen 代表什么?
SoundDevice Digital 团队是捷克人,他们决定用他们语言中的一个单词来丰富您的词汇量。 Plamen[plah-men] 是捷克语中“火焰”的意思——是的,就是让其他事物变得温暖的东西。 尽管有些人会说“Plameny”(复数)这个词可能更适合多频段插件。

激活不需要 iLok、加密狗或互联网访问。 我们的软件使用许可证文件来激活您的软件。 只要您是用户,您就可以在您的所有计算机上免费使用所购买的软件。

逼真的 3D 且灵活的 GUI
该插件逼真的图形用户界面让您感觉正在触摸真实的硬件。 但它很容易适应您的需求。 您始终可以拖动右下角的箭头来更改其大小 – 将其缩小以节省宝贵的屏幕空间,或将其放大以使其更易于使用。

15 天无限制免费试用版
与亲自使用插件相比,所有的描述都不算什么。 没有储蓄限制。 没有噪音。 没有界限。 在您的项目中真正使用该插件并充分利用其功能两周。

任何采样率下的 64 位音频质量
该插件提供您可以获得的最高音频质量。 它使用内部 64 位音频处理,可以处理任何采样率。 192 kHz 甚至更高。


The difference between dull and exciting can sometimes be just saturation. But not just its amount but also its character. We believe every frequency band deserves different treatment, and that’s why we created Plamen. This flexible multi-band saturator can add a different kind and amount of saturation to each band, resulting in a balanced tone, and it can even make it in parallel!

Plamen Key Features
Tonal balance in 5 bands
Different frequency bands in audio can have varying levels of energy, and when you apply saturation uniformly across the entire spectrum, it can lead to an imbalanced sound. Plamen allows you to selectively add warmth and harmonics to five adjustable frequency ranges in different parallel levels, thereby achieving a more balanced and pleasing tonal character.

Targeted enhancement
With Plamen, you can focus on specific elements in the mix, such as adding warmth and richness to the bass frequencies, adding harmonics to the midrange to make instruments cut through the mix, or adding sparkle to the high frequencies. This targeted enhancement helps individual elements stand out and contributes to a clearer mix.

Wide range of use
Plamen can be used on vocals and single instrument tracks, but also on master tracks. It is an excellent tool for sound designers and producers looking to experiment and create unique sounds. By applying different saturation characteristics to different frequency bands with different dry/wet ratios, you can create interesting textures, harmonics, and timbres that may not be achievable with traditional saturation techniques.

Simple operation
Although Plamen has many knobs, applying saturation is very simple. Just choose the saturation type, dial the band’s input gain, choose the parallel amount of colour added (MOJO) and balance the band’s output volume. If you don’t get enough drive, use AGC Boost to add an extra 10dB to the band’s input.

Five Types of Saturation
Plamen offers a diverse range of five distinct saturation types for each band, allowing you to choose the perfect colour and character for your audio. Each band can use three classic analogue preamp types, simulation of tape saturation (Magnetic) or clipping (a style of saturation— or distortion — characteristic of many beloved types of AD-driven input).

Tape Wow
In addition, you may add the overall Tape Wow effect, which represents a relatively slow form of flutter (pitch variation) that you may know from vintage tape recorders.

Flexible Crossover
Four crossover points give you enough control of the frequencies you want to saturate. It is your choice what you consider subs, bass, low-mids, high-mids, and treble. The crossover works in two modes. You can switch between the Linear phase or the Analog 6dB/octave type.

All five or one?
Each frequency band can be soloed or muted (bypassed). This feature is to be used when you check the impact of a particular band, or you simply want to add saturation to selected bands only. You can use not only driving the input of the bands but also fully parallel Mojo or additional parallel Dry/Wet mix for the whole plugin! And this is all in the Linear phase!

Oversampling for Uncompromising Quality
Plamen goes above and beyond with its 2x, 4x, and 8x oversampling options, ensuring maximum precision and pristine audio quality. By oversampling your audio, you can eliminate unwanted artefacts and aliasing, leaving you with nothing but crystal-clear, professional-grade results.

What does Plamen stand for?
SoundDevice Digital team is Czech, and they decided to enrich your vocabulary with a word from their language. Plamen[plah-men] is a Czech expression for “flame” – yes, the thing that makes other things warmer. Although some would say the word “Plameny” (plural) may be more suitable for a multi-band plugin.

Hassle-free software protection
No iLok, no dongle nor internet access is required for activation. Our software uses licence files to activate your software. You can freely use the purchased software on all your computers as long as you are the user.

Realistic 3D yet flexible GUI
The photorealistic graphic user interface of the plugin gives you the feeling you are touching the real hardware. But it easily adapts to your needs. You can always drag the arrow in the bottom right corner to change its size – make it smaller to save valuable screen space, or enlarge it to make it easier to use.

15-Days unlimited trial version for FREE
All the descriptions are nothing compared to putting your hands on the plugin. No saving limits. No noises. No boundaries. Engage the plugin in your project for real and fully exploit its powers for two weeks.

64-bit audio quality at ANY sampling rate
The plugin provides the maximum audio quality you can get. It uses internal 64-bit audio processing and can handle any sampling rate. 192 kHz or even higher.

Smart bypass
The intelligent way our plugins manage bypassing ensures that you don’t get any clicks or harmful noises when automating the parameter. It also compensates for latency ensuring that the bypass states are perfectly in sync with each other.

Intelligent sleep on silence
This plugin intelligently detects whether it makes sense to perform processing at all. And if not, it temporarily turns on sleep mode. In such a state, it requires virtually no CPU at all to save the computing sources for other processes.

Free-for-life updates
Our plugins never get obsolete. We keep track of the current operating systems and DAWs. And you may always update to the most recent version for free. Without paying a cent, a penny, or whatever currency you prefer.

Whats new in this version
Official site does not provide any info about changes in this version.

System Requirements
Windows 7 or newer



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