Team DECiBEL | 31 Dec 2021 | 4.92GB
Poiesis 弦系列的第一章在这里。
我们喜欢有机质地,我们喜欢扩展技术:这就是我们制作 Poiesis Cello 的原因。 Poiesis Cello 将允许您立即创建美丽(或美丽丑陋!)的音景,在您第一次触摸键盘时激发新的音乐。
Poiesis 大提琴在干燥的录音室中录制,三个高端麦克风放置在相对靠近乐器的位置,以提供您可以随心所欲塑造的亲密声音。
使用的麦克风是 Neumann U87 大振膜电容 (LDC)、AEA R84A 带状 (RBN) 和 Schoeps CMC/mk4 小振膜电容 (SDC)。预渲染立体声混音 (MIX),单个麦克风处于 LCR 位置并且还包括额外的处理,它提供了一种即用型、资源友好的方式来获得开箱即用的出色声音。
录制的乐器是一把 1995 年 Moes & Moes 大提琴,由马友友制造并拥有,由夏洛特交响乐团首席大提琴手艾伦·布莱克演奏。
Poiesis Cello 具有两个不同的补丁:
Textures 是一种两层乐器,允许您在每个层的 43 个包含的关节中进行选择,并使用键盘的调制轮 (midi CC#1) 在它们之间自由交叉淡入淡出。
Shorts 是一个补充补丁,具有三个速度敏感的短关节,采样 5 个循环和 3 个动态层(+ 快节奏。在 pizzicato 关节上。
适用于 Kontakt Player 6.5.3+
The first chapter in the Poiesis strings series is here.
We love organic textures and we love extended techniques: this is why we made Poiesis Cello. Poiesis Cello will allow you to instantly create beautiful (or beautifully ugly!) soundscapes that will inspire new music the first time you touch the keyboard.
The sound.
Poiesis cello was recorded in a dry studio with three high-end microphones placed relatively close to the instrument, to offer an intimate sound that you can shape as you please.
The microphones used are a Neumann U87 large diaphragm condenser (LDC), an AEA R84A ribbon (RBN) and a Schoeps CMC/mk4 small diaphragm condenser (SDC).A pre-rendered stereo mix (MIX) with the single microphones in LCR position and additional processing is also included and it provides a ready-to-use, resource-friendly way to obtain a great sound, right out of the box.
The instrument recorded is a 1995 Moes & Moes cello built for and owned by Yo-Yo Ma and played by Alan Black, principal cellist with the Charlotte Symphony Orchestra.
The patches.
Poiesis Cello features two different patches:
Textures is a two-layer instrument that allows you to choose between any of the 43 included articulations for each of the layers and freely crossfade between them using your keyboard’s mod-wheel (midi CC#1).
Shorts is a complementary patch that features three velocity-sensitive short articulations sampled with 5 round robins and 3 dynamic layers (+ snap pizz. on the pizzicato articulation.
For Kontakt Player 6.5.3+