Atmosfear具有从Lo-Fi乐器录音,刺耳的噪音实验和颗粒合成探索中获取的声音,是针对恐怖类型的坚韧不拔的音景收藏。 这些声音具有明显未打磨的制作风格,可为您的场景带来粗略的感觉,这些声音可用于将悬念,恐惧,紧张,恐惧和厄运感唤入您的角色和环境。
一个废弃的庇护所中的工业规模的酷刑室听起来像什么? 高压电器呢? 使用Atmosfear查找这些问题的答案以及更多内容。 输入您是否敢。
•24位/ 96 kHz
Featuring sounds taken from lo-fi instrumental recordings, harsh noise experiments and granular synthesis explorations, Atmosfear is a gritty soundscape collection geared towards the horror genre. With a distinctly unpolished production style to bring a rough edge to your scenario, these sounds can be used to invoke feelings of suspense, dread, tension, fear and doom into your characters and environments.
What does an industrial scale torture chamber in an abandoned asylum sound like? What about a high-voltage electrical possession? Find the answer to these questions and more with Atmosfear. Enter if you dare.
Pack Contents:
•50 Samples
•Wav format
•24 bit / 96 kHz
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