有没有想过太空听起来像什么? 好吧,我们相信它有点像这样。 《深空》是为制作环境空间音乐而设计的长环境音景的集合。 声音文件夹包括“接触”,“暗物质”,“深空”,“伽马射线暴”,“外部范围”,“辐射”,“太阳耀斑”和“太空垃圾”。 超过1 GB的内容。 在110 BPM时总共有95个极长的循环。 您也可以将这些声音用作科幻小说的音效和实验艺术品。
适用于所有DAWS | 通用.WAV
Ever wonder what it sounds like in space? Well we believe it goes a little something like this. Deep Space is a collection of long Ambient Soundscapes designed for producing Ambient Space Music. Sound folders include Contact, Dark Matter, Deep Space, Gamma Ray Bursts, Outer Reaches, Radiation, Solar Flares, and Space Junk. Over 1 gigabyte of content. 95 extremely long loops in all at 110 BPM. You may also use these sounds as Science Fiction sound effects and experimental art pieces.
95 Loops & FX
24 bit 44.1 Stereo Files
Works in all DAWS | Universal .WAV
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