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女高音歌手 – 8Dio The New Studio Sopranos KONTAKT-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 09 Jun 2023 | 1.67GB

Studio Sopranos 是一個高度靈活的合唱團,可以在親密和激進之間無縫過渡,爲您的管弦樂提供美麗的背景紋理,或者在混音中處于領先地位和主導地位。 Studio Sopranos 擁有 3 位極具才華的女高音歌手,使用 3 組麥克風錄制。 這不僅提供了非常明确的聲音,而且在控制合唱團的規模、位置和特征時也具有靈活性。


Studio Sopranos 更新利用我們全新的 GUI 并附帶各種工具來幫助您塑造聲音。 通過大量的動态發音、和弦多樂句連奏、真正的連奏和一系列可控的 X/Y 效果來修改您的聲音。 新的更新爲您提供了将您的作品塑造成純藝術所需的一切。

Studio Sopranos 還采用了我們最新合唱團的美妙的和弦樂句連奏,在您演奏每個音節時提供令人難以置信的逼真連奏樂句,并允許您在句子中間的樂句之間無縫切換。 放棄傳統的碎片詞構建器采樣方法,複音樂句連奏允許您自由書寫,同時仍然利用現場合唱團的真實表達和流動。

Studio Sopranos Dynamic Arcs 提供無窮無盡的靈感墊和素描工具。 9 種不同的弧形變化可以單獨使用,也可以作爲多元音和 True Legato 音色的輔助聲音。 弧線是歌手通過不同的動态範圍創造的自然音樂表達; 這些與靜态延音完全相反,因爲它們會爲您的音樂注入真實的情感和真實感。

Studio Sopranos 包含大量深度采樣的 True Legatos。 速度旋鈕使您能夠徹底改變聲音在這些過渡中的移動方式。 True Legatos 旨在與我們的 Polyphonic Phrase Legatos 無縫協作,爲您提供終極的靈活性和控制力!

Studio Sopranos 不僅包含 True Legato 和 Polyphonic Phrase Legato,還包含大量精選的真實情感弧線。 Arcs 包含長和短的變化以及 2 個額外的更柔和的弧線,用于更親密的書寫。 這些自然的動态表達可以實現真正逼真的表演。

每個麥克風混音包含女高音部分的 3 位獨立歌手。 僅使用這些麥克風中的一個就可以爲您提供極其詳細的 3 人合唱團,您可以單獨處理并在房間内平移。 利用所有 3 個麥克風,您可以控制女高音部分的總寬度、大小和特征。

– 世界級女高音合奏團
– 5,471 個樣本/1.9GB
– 3 個 Divisi 麥克風位置
– 真正的連奏延音
– 和弦樂句連奏
– 柔和長弧
– 16 個斷音和 11 個馬卡托
– 帶有 4 部分效果引擎的新更新 UI
– 混沌 4.1 效果
– 需要 Kontakt 5.8.1 Full Retail(或更高版本)


Studio Sopranos is a highly versatile choir that seamlessly transitions between intimate and aggressive, providing beautiful background textures to your orchestrations, or being upfront and dominant in the mix. Studio Sopranos features 3 extremely talented Soprano singers, recorded with 3 sets of microphones. This not only provides extremely defined sound, but also flexibility when controlling the size, placement, and character of the choir.

Studio Sopranos update utilizes our all-new GUI and comes with a variety of tools to help you shape your sound. With a vast collection of dynamic articulations, polyphonic multi-phrase legato, true legato and an array of controllable X/Y Effects to modify your sound. The new update gives you everything you need to sculpt your productions into pure art.

Studio Sopranos also implements the beautiful Polyphonic Phrase Legato from our latest choirs, offering incredibly realistic legato phrasing as you play through each syllable, and allowing you to seamlessly switch between the phrases mid-sentence. Forgoing the traditional sampling methodology of fragmented word builders, polyphonic phrase legato allows you to write freely while still harnessing the true expression and flow of a live choir.

Studio Sopranos Dynamic Arcs provide an endless bed of inspiring pads and sketching tools. 9 different arc variations are available to be used either on their own or as supporting voices to the Multi Vowels and True Legato patches. Arcs are natural musical expressions created by the singers going through different dynamic ranges; these are the exact opposite of static sustains as they breathe true emotion and realism into your music.

Studio Sopranos contains a gorgeous collection of deep-sampled True Legatos. The speed knob gives you the ability to drastically alter how the voices move through these transitions. True Legatos are designed to work seamlessly with our Polyphonic Phrase Legatos, giving you the ultimate flexibility and control!

Studio Sopranos contains not only True Legato and Polyphonic Phrase Legato, but also a massive selection of truly emotional arcs. The Arcs contain long and short variations as well as 2 additional softer arcs for more intimate writing. These natural dynamic expressions allow for a truly lifelike performance.

Each microphone mix contains 3 individual singers of the soprano section. Using only one of these microphones gives you an immensely detailed 3-person choir, which you can individually process and pan around the room. Utilizing all 3 microphones gives you the ability to control the total width, size, and character of your soprano section.

– World-Class Soprano Ensemble
– 5,471 Samples / 1.9GB
– 3 Divisi Microphone Positions
– True Legato Sustains
– Polyphonic Phrase Legato
– Soft and Long Arcs
– 16 Staccatos and 11 Marcatos
– Newly Updated UI with 4-Part Effects Engine
– Chaos 4.1 Effects
– Kontakt 5.8.1 Full Retail (or later) Required

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