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女高音独唱 – Impact Soundworks ALLURA Volume 1 WAV KONTAKT

Impact Soundworks ALLURA Volume 1 WAV KONTAKT | 1.23 Gb

欢迎来到ALLURA第1卷,这是我们首张独奏声乐库,其中包含屡获殊荣的女高音Jillian Aversa的表演! 这款迷人的乐器在4个琴键,3个节奏,多种模式和拍号上提供了150个独特的空灵声乐短语。 乐句都带有令人回味的命名组和详细的标签,因此您既可以以鼓舞人心的演奏来开始作曲,也可以轻松地将其与您现有的乐曲配合。

该库的每个方面都旨在对作曲家超级友好。 所有乐句都可以用任意键演奏,并且所有演奏都按照设定的节奏录制,因为我们了解“自由格式”乐句可能难以使用。 短语是无词的,并在元音“ oo”或“ ah”上执行,以使歌词不会干扰您的写作。 如果您不想使用我们非常灵活的Kontakt引擎来查找,编辑和播放短语,则可以直接在DAW中使用带有清晰标签的WAV文件直接使用它们。

Welcome to ALLURA Volume 1, our debut solo vocal library featuring the performances of award-winning soprano Jillian Aversa! This enchanting instrument offers 150 unique, ethereal vocal phrases across 4 keys, 3 tempi, multiple modes and time signatures. The phrases all have evocatively named groups and detailed tags so you can either start a composition with an inspiring performance, or easily fit one into your existing piece.
Every aspect of the library is designed to be super-friendly for composers. All phrases can be played in any key, and all performances were recorded to a set tempo as we understand ‘freeform’ phrases can be difficult to use. The phrases are wordless and performed on the vowels “oo” or “ah” so that lyrics don’t distract from your writing. If you don’t want to use our very flexible Kontakt engine for finding, editing, and playing phrases, you can simply use them directly in your DAW with clearly labeled WAV files.

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