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好莱坞竖琴 – East West Hollywood Harp Diamond v1.0.0-DECiBEL

Team DECiBEL | 28 Jan 2022 | 14.23GB

EastWest/Quantum Leap Hollywood Harp 虚拟乐器是一个库,旨在与好莱坞管弦乐团系列无缝协作。虽然它包括相同数量的麦克风位置和许多相同的功能,但有一个关键区别如下所述。



EastWest Hollywood Solo Instruments 系列由好莱坞竖琴、好莱坞独奏大提琴和好莱坞独奏小提琴组成。
这些广泛的资料库以 EastWest 品牌闻名的卓越音质进行录制、设计和制作。每种乐器都在 EastWest Studios 的 Studio 1 中录制,好莱坞管弦乐团也是在同一个录音室中录制的。这为整个好莱坞管弦乐队系列提供了一致的声音和氛围,模仿了传统的大型录音室管弦乐队。

每种乐器都录制了各种各样的发音,重点是典型的独奏乐器。在某些情况下,这些不同的发音会在 PLAY 的浏览器视图中显示为单独的乐器。在其他情况下,可以通过按键开关仪器访问关节,其中多个关节作为一个仪器加载,并且按下触发键激活当前一个。


– 使用许多相同的麦克风和位置在同一个工作室录制
– 由音响工程师 Shawn Murphy 设计
– 由道格·罗杰斯和尼克·菲尼克斯制作
– 使用相同的实践和软件进行编程


你需要 R2R PLAY/OPUS 版本才能使用这个库(正如女巫所说……)

阅读 DECiBEL 目录中包含的 txt 文件以获取安装说明。


The EastWest/Quantum Leap Hollywood Harp virtual instrument is a library designed to work together seamlessly with the Hollywood Orchestra series. While it includes the same number of microphone positions, and many of the same features, there is a key difference outlined below.

The microphone configuration is designed for solo instruments, as opposed to a full orchestra.

Instead of the surround and vintage surround microphone positions used in the Hollywood Orchestra series, the Hollywood Solo Cello supplements the close and mid microphone positions with vintage alternatives.

The EastWest Hollywood Solo Instruments series is comprised of Hollywood Harp, Hollywood Solo Cello and Hollywood Solo Violin.
These extensive libraries were recorded, engineered, and produced with the superior level of sound quality the EastWest brand is known for. Each of the instruments was recorded in Studio 1 at EastWest Studios, the same studio Hollywood Orchestra was recorded in. This gives the complete Hollywood Orchestral series a consistent sound and ambience, which emulates a traditional large studio orchestra.

A wide variety of articulations were recorded for each instrument, focusing on typical solo instrumentation. In some cases, these various articulations are presented as separate instruments in PLAY’s Browser view. In other cases articulations are accessible via a key-switch instrument, where multiple articulations load as one instrument, and pressing a trigger key activates the current one.

These instruments can be used on their own or integrated into a larger orchestral framework with other titles in the Hollywood Orchestra Series. All these titles have been designed to work together to create an integrated orchestral sound. They were all…

– Recorded in the same studio with many of the same microphones and positions
– Engineered by Sound Engineer Shawn Murphy
– Produced by Doug Rogers and Nick Phoenix
– Programmed using the same practices and software

You need R2R PLAY/OPUS release to use this library (as a witch has said…)

Read the included txt file in the DECiBEL dir for install instructions.

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