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实时音频频谱分析仪 Voxengo SPAN Plus v1.24 MacOS

Voxengo span plus for Mac是一款Mac系统上的实时音频频谱分析仪插件,作为插件SPAN的升级版,这款插件增添了许多附加功能,同时它还为用户提供了一个灵活的“模式”系统,您可以使用它来设置频谱分析仪首选项。 总体上Voxengo span plus得到了很大的提升,使得用户拥有更好的操作体验。

MORiA | AU | VST | VST3 | 22.9 MB

SPAN Plus是一款实时“快速傅立叶变换”(FFT)音频频谱分析仪VST3, AudioUnit和VST插件,用于专业音乐和音频制作应用。

SPAN Plus是免费软件SPAN插件的扩展版本:SPAN Plus提供了几个额外的功能,如PNG文件导出,多轨频谱比较的实时频谱导入/导出,静态频谱显示和“宽”显示模式。

SPAN Plus为您提供了一个非常灵活的“模式”系统,您可以使用它来设置您的频谱分析仪偏好。您可以指定样品中的傅里叶块大小,FFT窗口重叠百分比,光谱的视觉斜率。除此之外,您还可以选择显示所需类型的次级频谱(例如实时最大值,历史最大值)。光谱可以在视觉上平滑,便于检查。

除了多轨频谱比较,SPAN Plus还支持多通道分析,可以设置为同时显示两个不同通道或通道组的频谱。光谱的颜色可以选择品尝。

SPAN Plus还具有可调节弹道和集成时间的输出电平计量,EBU R128, k -系统计量(包括校准k -系统计量)。SPAN Plus显示电平计量统计,净空估计和裁剪检测。相关计量也是可用的。

macOS 10.13或更高版本


SPAN Plus is a real-time “fast Fourier transform” (FFT) audio frequency spectrum analyzer VST3, AudioUnit, and VST plugin for professional music and audio production applications.

SPAN Plus is an extended version of the freeware SPAN plugin: SPAN Plus provides several additional features such as PNG file export, real-time spectrum import/export for multi-track spectrum comparisons, static spectrums display, and a “wide” display mode.

SPAN Plus provides you with a very flexible “mode” system which you can use to setup your spectrum analyzer preferences. You may specify Fourier block size in samples, FFT window overlap percentage, spectrum’s visual slope. Beside that you can choose to display secondary spectrum of a desired type (e.g. real-time maximum, all-time maximum). Spectrum can be smoothed out visually for an easier examination.

Beside multi-track spectrum comparison, SPAN Plus supports multi-channel analysis and can be set to display spectrums from two different channels or channel groups at the same time. Spectrum’s color can be chosen to taste.

SPAN Plus also features output level metering with adjustable ballistics and integration time, EBU R128, K-system metering (including calibration K-system metering). SPAN Plus displays level metering statistics, headroom estimation, and clipping detection. Correlation metering is available as well.

System Requirements
macOS 10.13 or higher


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